Great, Just my luck

Discussion in 'General' started by highrolla145, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. So today after school a couple of my buddy's and i decided to go smoke..and after about 2 bowls we head back to the truck and theres a whit expedition rolling up. i didn't see any lights or logos on the side so i just figured it was a normal truck but as i got closer i saw the lights ont the bumper and bout shit my was a state trooper and arrested my freind for posseion and under the influence and made all of us call are parents so they could pick us parents let me get off the hook but they said next time im BUSTED...where do u guys recommend to go smoke.
  2. That sucks man, better be more careful from now on. I usually just smoke inside, but I have my own place :)
  3. im only 15 but im thankful i didnt get a record and doesnt talk to the school
  4. I've been running into these threads alot lately.

    And.. as always :

  5. Dude ya gotta be 18, say goodbye
  6. aw isn't that cuuute? :)
  7. Ahahahaha.
    Dude, I don't mean to be dick, but you should prob read the rules when you click that little box that says "I agree."
    That way, you wouldn't get Thor/the mods banhammer.
  8. thata awesome, would you like a cookie?
  9. hahaha bye bye
  10. your basement , a bathroom at the park , in an alley , behind apartment buildings, or just walk around and smoke a joint cause if you smoke a joint it leaves you with no evidence just make sure you washh your hands cause if you get searched they make you rub your hands together and they smell them..

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