hey i work in the boating industry and im wodering if a $20 240CFM inline bilge blower will be suffeint to exhast a 3x5x8 room through a 4 inch carbon filter? also, youll notice the fan runs off 12 volts DC, 4.5 amps. is there a easy way to convert my 110 volt AC wall socket to 12v dc? theres gotta be some little adapgter out ther for just a few bucks....right? heres a link to the fan: http://www.discountmarinesupplies.com/Blowers-SEACHOICE_INLINE_BILGE_BLOWERS.html and its water resistant! what do you guys think?
That blower draws a hefty hunk of power. 12V converters rated that high are a little pricey. I found this http://www.amazon.com/Igloo-1674-Koolmate-Converter-volt/dp/B0006H4X28 It's the cheapest I've located so far. Why not look for 110V fans?
i am looking for alternatives to very pricey fans at the hydro store. this fan looks great, but damn, why the hell is that adapter so expencive??