Great FUCKING Debate (Washington LEGALIZATION)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Ras Jaycee, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. #1 Ras Jaycee, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Washington state introduces new legislature House Bill 2401, that would legalize and regulate marijuana sales and treat it like alcohol in the state of Washington.

    debate starts at about 6-7 minutes in.

    There were soo many great speakers on this, there were only about 3-5 opponents of the bill and about 200 supporters of the bill.

    I honestly believe this bill will pass next Wednesday.

    If you live in Washington please contact your representatives and urge them to support this bill.

    SOOOOO MANY GREAT DEBATES! Even the doctors and nurses voted to legalize.
  2. #2 Phamas, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    Shit man is WA gonna beat Cali to legalization? Good stuff hope it happens. At the very least I think HB 1177 will make it but it is pretty horribly written. I actually took the time out to watch the entire thing (couldn't sleep anyway) I love how the police people had the same bullshit to spit out and their testimonies were like 10 seconds long. That 9th grade kid is an idiot too. The fat guy next to the head honcho probably won't vote for it (guy who quoted the 2005 study lol)

    All in all it will be like that one woman said, if they don't vote it in the people will with the initiative and they will remember who didn't vote for it when they are up for re-election.

    The concern for the medical patients is pretty legitimate as well, many holes in both bills. 1177 is pretty pointless if 2401 passes so.. hopefully Mr. Goodman can work on those revisions

  3. Yeah, i would actually like to see it not passed so they can construct a better one, that provides patients with cheaper supply. Or if it is passed, create a new house bill that would ammend that.
  4. Good stuff.
  5. Indeed.
  6. california is a huge police state notice how all the opposition really was law enforcement and their organizations, thats why it will never pass here. GL to washington.
  7. Great watch, hopefully it will be legalized in Washington soon!
  8. Just got this in my mailbox, it is a response from a Represintive.

  9. my aunt said she thinks they already have farms growing enough weed to produce throughout the liquor stores across washington ready if they happen to pass the bill lol
  10. Cops don't want to lose their jobs lol

    It's pretty pathetic when we're sending people to jail for the sole purpose of cops keeping their jobs though. What the hell lol
  11. Exactly.
  12. I've got a little bit of bad news. I live in Des Moines, WA and one of our representatives is Dave Upthegrove who is one of the co-signers of the bill. I sent him a message through NORML about it (he's also on my Facebook friends list), and he sent me this message:

    Hi Anthony- my facebook friend*

    Yes I support the bill. In fact, I am one of only 6 legislators who
    are co-sponsors of the legislation. Unfortunately if doesn't have the
    votes to pass this year, but we need to begin the conversation.

    Dave Upthegrove

    *Pretty damn classy he actually noticed that.

    So unfortunately it doesn't look like the legalization bill will be passing, I just sent him a message back though asking what he though the chances were for the decriminialization bill. It's probably not that surprising, but looks like if we're going to get this legalization it's going to be through a voter-approved initiative.

  13. Thanks for the info, how would we get the ball rolling on this ballot initiative? Would there need to be a min amount of people sign? like how 'Tax and Regulate Cannabis 2010 Ballot Initiative' did in California?

    I would like to see this happening soon so by 2011 or 2012 we can have legislature passed for Regulation.
  14. I'm sure he knows more than I do, but if this debate was as one sided as it seems, how can these people call themselves "representatives" if they don't represent anyone's ideas and opinions except their own?!

    Grr... stupid politics.

  15. Here in Washington we already have an initiative announced and ready to get rolling. We need to get around 240,000 votes by I believe July for it to be added to the November ballot. Unfortunately I'm not exactly sure what can be done at this point to help out, but this was all just announced within the last week or so, so I'm sure more info will be available pretty soon.
  16. Ok, cool. Who is pushing the bill, NORML?

  17. I don't remember exactly who was behind it but I do know it wasn't NORML. I believe it's some local group.
  18. A group called "Sensible Washington" it includes two lawyers and one of the main Hempfest organizers, here's the link:

    Sensible Washington

    The initiative will begin collecting signatures around March 1st and I, for one, will be out on the front lines collecting said signatures, primarily at college campus'. Probably do some signature collection at some local community colleges as well as hitting up the greek communities at both UW and WSU to do maybe some "green theme" parties where they get all the participants to sign.

    Plenty of need for motivated volunteers to help out with signature collection, I hope all of my fellow WA/GC residents will be the first ones to volunteer!

  19. I'm hoping to be right on the front lines myself. I go to Evergreen State College so I'll try and collect signatures there and I live close to Highline and Green River Community College as well as the UW so those are all great places to hit. I'll probably do some door-to-door stuff too, but I could see some problems arising with the super-wackjob conservative type.
  20. Thanks you for that information :)

    I live in bellingham, and I will help collect signatures, don't know exactly what I need to do for it. I will try to contact sensible Washington tomorrow and ask how I can do this.
    I will probably be at the WWU campus.

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