i was driving up to the gas station to get a blunt and this black dude flagged me down while i was stopped at an interesection. he had run out of gas and asked if i could give him any money. i said yeah and gave him like $2 worth of change i had in the center console. i told him i'd give him a ride to the gas station. on the way i mentioned i was going to by a blunt and he asked if i wanted some xanax. i said alright. he sold me 3 footballs for $5. is this a good deal? each pill was blue tinted an had the inscription "G 3721". i google'd it and confirmed that they are legit 1mg pills but i really wanted to know if i got a good deal or not.
if you read correctly it was 3 pills for 5 bills, equaling 3 mg's, which is more than a usual 5 dollar 2mg "bar"
it is correct, i paid $5 for 3mg. so i guess that's a good deal? what is it usually, $5/1mg? is 3mg enough to get me feeling good?
Yea, xanax usually goes for $4 for 2mg, $5 tops. He gave you $1 break. EDIT: My first time I took 4mg and was set. 3 should be good
yea 3 should be alright... it really isn't that fun of a drug unless your doing some other shit to. and you got a good deal.
idk about where you are but xanax havnt been in big supply for a while, 2 mg sell for 5, so ya 3 footballs for 5 is a good deal. Your not gonna rmeember a thing though.
Yeah that sounds like a pretty good deal, shoulda given them to you for free in return for the ride/gas money but w/e. Yeah 3 mg is def enough for a good time. Addin more drugs to the mix will erase even more from your memory but still gonna be fun. Enjoy what will be a hole in the calendar!