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grav/waterfall qustion

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Hemp God, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. does using a gravity or waterfall bong with cold water cool the smoke or no ?

    and is it possible to make a water filterd grav/waterfall ?
  2. #2 Stinkweed, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    in theory it does, by the heat from the smoke transferring to the water, but it's not enough to make a difference, so no.

    Oh yeah, like LB \/ said, if you can add fill up the inside of your gravity chamber with ice cubes, the hits will be hella smooth, but they won't last for long.
  3. try it with hot water then ice cold water then u will have ur answer, ice water is the way i would go :smoke:
  4. Exactly.

    If you really want to run the numbers, it does, but the difference is negligible.
  5. Yes there is, I infact have one.

    Take a slide(or anything that narrows down to fit a tube) Hook it up onto a tube and make it long enough to go about low enough to pull a full one.

    I took my dirtbike gas hose that I ordered and haven't used and it worked perfect. Also, Colder = Smoother = <3

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