Grav Labs Bubbler - First Headshop Purchase

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by big_rudy101, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Went and picked this up today at my LHS. I paid $50 for it. I went in not wanting to spend anymomre than $70 so Im happy. It hit muuuuuchhhhh nicer than my old, worn out spoon. :hello:

    I looked at all the pieces in my price range and this one just caught my eye.
    I JUST took its virginity with like 4 bowls of dank.


  2. I had one just like it. amazing bub for the price. have fun and dont drop her like i did lol..well mine was a green label though.
  3. Yeah. They had red, blue, and grey. This is like.. the mini bubbler by Grav Labs. I ALMOST wish I would have got one size up. I like it a lot. My only complaint is I cannot figure out how to empty the ash out after I finish a bowl. I cant blow into it like I can with my spoon. How do I get the ash out? :confused:

    And did you use a screen?
  4. [quote name='"big_rudy101"']

    Yeah. They had red, blue, and grey. This is like.. the mini bubbler by Grav Labs. I ALMOST wish I would have got one size up. I like it a lot. My only complaint is I cannot figure out how to empty the ash out after I finish a bowl. I cant blow into it like I can with my spoon. How do I get the ash out? :confused:

    And did you use a screen?[/quote]

    Be happy you got that size man. I made the mistake of paying the $75 for the biggest one. I ended up getting the silver labeled one, and loved the shower head, but I honestly thought the bowl was too big. I always had to use a glass screen, and am guessing you could fit 2g's in the bowl itself. Ended up trading it with my incredibowl for a different piece... But wish I still had one your size.

    Attached Files:

  5. Use a poker to clean the bowl out or paper clip. Second be careful grav labs are bad about breaking on the joints when dropped. Still a decent piece though.
  6. I do use a poker. But.. its hard to get the ash out with it. You cant like scoop it up or anything.
    Honestly, if I could figure out a quick, and easy way to empty it out after every bowl, I would love it.
  7. i love it man. such a solid purchase
  8. Tilt as scrape into the shitbox bro. Not really a common problem.
  9. That could have just made my day. haha. Thanks, man. I like it a lot.

    Should I use a metal screen in it?
    I did with and without last night and when I didnt, I had little pieces of green falling down into the stem. And ash would dirty the water up quick. But I feel like I shouldnt have to use one.. :confused:

    And also, is there any easier way to get water in and out of it other than by trying to pour just enough into the choke hole?
  10. And thats exactly what I did with my spoon.
    But its a little tricky to tilt this too far without the water trickling down or up the wrong places. haha.
  11. Just blow in the bowl from up top. If the bowl is totally cashed it should fly out easily for the most part.

    I used to have the large and my buddy has the same one you have.
  12. Slurpy spoon works well I have the helix like that

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