Well on monday my bong broke so im looking forward to buy a new one... im thinking of getting this grav labs bong for about $105 with shipping and all.. http://www.grasscity.com/us_en/grav-labs-beaker-base-glass-tube-bong-12-inch.html do you guys think i should get this one or should i just go to my local headshop and buy one for maybe 60-70 dollars?
I personally hate beakers, the glass is a lot thinner than advertised on the beaker part, most of the time. In my experience they break a lot easier. Besides that for 105, you can walk in and buy a pretty decent bong, at least in my head shop.
105 is a little steep in my opinion. If you like it, go for it though. I'd look around at your lhs first to compare prices with this.