grateful high

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by illalove, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. what a day woke up ripped my buddies bong went home slept and and hung out with my girl. just got home packed a few nice bowls then LIFTOFF. listening to some dead anyone
  2. [ame=]YouTube - Grateful Dead - Scarlet Begonias - 4-27-77[/ame]
  3. [ame=""]YouTube - Grateful Dead - Franklin's Tower @ Radio City 10-31-80[/ame]
  4. My room mates have Europe 72' playing somewhere....makes me wish I wasnt out of nug
  5. i always listen to the dead when im high, next time check out the dark star from the sunshine daydream show, there are videos of it on youtube.:smoking:
  6. dark stars one of my all time favorites my bad guys bout the incomplete sentence accidently pressed post
  7. i was listening to terrapin station earlier and i was mystified. Currently listening to mississippi half step uptown toodeloo. Without A Net is my favorite album by far, both discs.

  8. yessss love the dead. my by far favorite song by them is dark star. sooooooooooo good while high :hello:

  9. i know ive already said this but next time ur high and listening to the dead, check out the sunshine daydream version, its 40 minutes long and by far my favorite dark star i have ever heard.
  10. #10 Steezus Christ, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010

    yeah dude i got that shit on my ipod all 4 parts! its so sick its like a little movie too with the trippy stuff going that makes absolutley no sense haha. its a sick version to i love it. They all look they are on another planet(acid obviously), and jerry just looks like, i dont even know haha but he deffinetly looks like hes on somethin in that video.

    lol and yo dude i just heard dark star the original studio version for the first time and im not trying to be a dick or nothing its good, but i cant stop laughing. it sounds like they put it in fastforward or like alvin and the chipmunks are doing it haha. listen to it if you can find it anywhere its hillarious compared to their other live dark stars

  11. yeah i have all 4 parts on my ipod too and i know what ur saying about the trippy movie thing, theres some pretty crazy stuff in that......i have never heard the actual studio version of it, i will have to check it out.
  12. right on my fellow dead heads lets keep these posts coming uncle johns band is another fav anoyone here from new england going to the furthur concert at amherst

  13. i live in Massachusetts....i havent heard of this concert coming up...whose playing?
  14. Scarlet Begonias!!!!!!!!!
  15. its the band furthur wich consists of Phil lesh and bob weir and a really good jerry garcia cover artist like one of the best but im mainly going to see phil and bob along with dead lot ye ye!
  16. dude kadlecik tears it up! they aren't letting him sing a whole lot which is a shame. i don't know if you've seen him with darkstar but you'll be in good hands with furthur. you can trust them with your mind haha.

  17. when is this concert!?!?! i need to get tickets
  18. february 19 haha dont bee fooled tickets prices range from 92 dollars to 702 but worth every penny
  19. I saw the dead at rothbury this past summer. LSD......

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