"grassy" smell after drying?

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by mindismoving, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. so i just got done drying my first batch from my first grow, i staggered the harvest tho so some of the buds are already in jars for curing. my question is, is it normal for them to retain a little bit of a "grassy," plant smell going into curing? they don't seem to smell like much at all really, just faint hints of skunk/hash/citrusy-smell, and like i said this grass-like smell just a bit. is it normal? will it come out in the cure after a couple weeks? should i take them all out of the jar and dry them on racks for another couple of days? be psyched to get some helpful responses! thanks for reading.
  2. Yep. totally normal. Its almost scary. lol. But the cure will bring back all of the aroma and the taste. No worries. Peace. :smoke:

  3. thanks, dude! haha yeah it freaked me out a bit, the oldest buds have only been in the jar about a week, so i'll be looking forward to some respectable stank in a couple more :yummy: take it easy.
  4. when you smell something grassy you're smelling chlorophyll. Give it a few more days drying for the chlorophyll to finish breaking down. you'll increase potency and flavor if there's no more moisture or chlorophyll in your plants while they cure.


  5. thanks man, you're saying i should take em back out of the jars for a couple more days and restart the cure? i was thinking about doing that.. i've actually been opening the jars and leaving them open for most of the day to get them a little drier, is that enough or do you think i should get them all the way out and back on the racks? really appreciate the input.
  6. open jars for a few more days is fine as long as you stir them so they don't mold

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