PRODUCER! dont worry when i make it big this site will be so fucking good people will be trafficking in like mexicans at the border (no racism intended i love spanish booty) TELL ME WATCHU THANK?
im diggin the first and forth beat on your page. you have potential, no doubt. keep up what do you homie.
I didnt like any of those beats, you half sound like everybody else, now all you gotta do is get that other half (being the melodies) to sound like every body else on the radio you will make it remember being original gets you no were now a days, so dick ride as hard as you can
Whatever you guys are talking about I want in too! Don't ever forget me. I listened to these beats like there was no tomorrow. That 6th beat blew me away! Keep up the good work and don't ever forget your lil homie, Philosiraptor
lol wtf? you guys went from wana to be professional musicians to being full of heroin and syringes STONERS!!!!!!!! hahaah good beats though holmes
Not gonna lie man, I don't like hardly any of those. They sound like they're made on some mixing program you downloaded onto your PC