Grasscity Webcam smoke sesh anyone?

Discussion in 'General' started by Buzzlightyear, Jan 17, 2011.

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  1. #1 Buzzlightyear, Jan 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2011
    What up Grasscity?

    Here is the deal, when I am at home I primarily smoke alone due to my situation. I thought it might be cool if there were a few other people in the same boat who wanted to have a webcam smoke sesh?

    This may seem creepy and weird but whatever, since it will turn into omegle I am a 21 year old dude if that matters.

    If anyone is interested we could set a time for later tonight or something?
  2. I'd be down, i just dont want to see any blade penis during my sesh. :rolleyes:

  3. haha I can assure you that wont be happening, its too cold here for that anyways :laughing:
  4. I assume you need a skype account of some kind?
  5. i dont have skype but im down for the idea of vid seshing with a few blades on tiny chat or something

    we should of been vid chatting since time! no creepy
  6. lol yeah that was just assumed, I mean if you have skype on your computer you probably have an account to go with it?

    any other takers?
  7. I'd be down. I dunno if I'll have anything to smoke, though.

  8. im down for that if its easier for people, 1 hour from now would work for me if you guys are actually interested.
  9. i have smoke seshs all the time via skype. funnn times :)

  10. haha Ive had a few they are good times, if your down PM me your skype account?
  11. If one of you PM's me a link to the sesh when its happening, if I'm at my computer I'll stop in for a few bong tokes
  12. We have had these in the past and they never work out. I won't give out any warnings or infractions for this, but just keep in mind that we don't allow chat session threads on Grass City any longer.

    Thank you.

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