GrassCity soldout

Discussion in 'General' started by Sky Lucas, Feb 8, 2011.

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  1. facebook integration? "liking" each others posts? GC sold out when they shut down pandora but now its confirmed. quite sad actually.
  2. The "like" has nothing to do with facebook.
    They say its not connected in any way.
  3. The average person will shed 40 pounds of skin in his/her lifetime.
  4. I kinda like it, its like a public rep system...that doesn't really mean anything lol
  5. Dude, you really dont HAVE to come here?

    Get over it. Plus Facebook might be kinda stupid, but its fun as shit on here!!
  6. Liking is from facebook, dude. Liking is facebook. You like on here and your mom could see if on your facebook page! Don't like dude, don't do it. Your mom will know you like weed!

  7. :confused:
  8. [​IMG]

    I'm not a conformer like GrassCity.
  9. They have a conspiracy theory for everything now, huh?
  10. WTF? What is that hand sign?:confused:
  11. I do love grasscity either way but I do miss the old pandoras box no doubt.
  12. [ame=]YouTube - World Smallest Violin[/ame]

  13. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhhahahahahahah
  14. [post which is like-worthy]
  15. Dude, really?!

    No way!

  16. Anyway.

    This thread has been done countless times in General, and there is currently an active thread on it in General Feedback.

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