Grasscity Search - Tip: Use Google

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by DoctorDankenstein, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. The search functionality here on Grasscity isn't world-class. If I give two terms, say: 'bud rot' I will get a listing of search results for 'bud' along with results for 'rot' but I won't get the premium results for 'bud rot'.

    I just noticed a trick you can use for better search results.

    1. Go to Google
    2. Append this to your search:

    Example: 'bud rot'

  2. google has a whole assortment of commands you can use for searching sites but that site site:... should work for just about any site
  3. Search has been greatly improved now, we use Elastic Search and it will be improve in the comnig weeks, so check it out
  4. Any idea when Search will actually be working?
    search.jpg result.jpg

    Edit: using the 'Threads and Posts' tab works, could be my error.
  5. I do this also :wave:

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