Grasscity: Please Strip EXIF Data

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by DoctorDankenstein, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. So I looked and all of my photos uploaded to grasscity contained the EXIF data with a GPS location. IMGUR strips this data when they receive images, please find a way to implement this functionality. You are putting all of your users at risk.

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  2. The location data is not visible to anyone unless you manually choose to make it visible.
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  3. Strip this info yourself, GC does not care enough to help do this. If the location data is stored at GC, the NSA has your info and the gov has your info, period.
  4. Nothing stored at gc is open for NSA.
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  5. Not that these groups ask you to come in. I know you say, "We'd never give them...." but we know the NSA doesn't ask and even if they do ask, its with warrants you can't say you got served. Scrubbing this info is for the good of the community. Do they ask you to collect your phone call info? Do they ask when they intercept every pic you send in a txt message? NO.
    They aren't supposed to spy on friendly heads of state, but, oh yeah they do that too.
    So what do you mean by open to the NSA, they have all the keys buddy.
  6. GC is in the Netherlands, and is NOT subject to the laws of the United States.
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  7. Truth! ;)
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  8. Our servers have maximum security , we value our end users security zillions times more then any regular website or social media site you visit.

    We can't say that NSA will never have access as we have no idea what kind of tools they have in their exposure. Simple thing is we do everything to protect our users. And if NSA can reach to us , trust me they even know what brand underwear you are already wearing :)
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  9. It was exposed by Kaspersky Lab over a year ago the NSA had backdoor firmware on nearly every single hard drive; they can even hack airgapped hard drives.

    You would be hard pressed to do anything on the internet and be beyond their tentacles.

    I doubt they give a shit about growing cannabis, so don't worry too much.
  10. Not only that ,seriously they are becoming the biggest troll for internet but not much we Europeans can do :)
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  11. And most Americans who could do something - won't!
  12. I wouldn't prefer to turn this into a political debate but lets disagree on that. As politicians in USA become puppets of big corporations. However i see great resilience from US citizens. I have m ad respect and support for Bernie Sanders and i am so happy to see he has huge support in the race for White House.

    The hope is not lost :)
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  13. I agree, it's only a matter of when the straw breaks the camels back. The people are ready for sure, I wish they were more active now but it will happen suddenly.
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  14. Believe it or not, there is a better chance that the Chinese have access to GC info before the US Government does. I wish i was kidding.
  15. We can make a new thread or PM me, just curious why you say China has superior capabilities in this instance?
  16. Its worth a discussion.
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  17. There is no truth in this .
  18. Of course not, China don't give a fuck about GC lol, just inferring that the US does not either. Like you guys said already, its based in another country and them trying to gain access to that alone would cause outrage if they were ever caught and to what end? Bust a couple of stoners? Not gonna happen.
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  19. Lol exactly :)
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