Grasscity, Pennsylvania

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by plaksa5, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. What's up everyone? :poke: I guess you could call me Plaksa on here. I'm chill, laid back, and love discussing grass..... and I guess smoking it is pretty cool too :cool:
  2. whats going on fellow pa toker! 717 here
  3. 717 is Philly right? .. 570 over hereee
  4. 717 is lanccaster area, where is 570
  5. twoonefive<---
  6. 717 here as well
  7. Lol so what's up plaksa :smoke:
  8. #9 bubba ho-tep, Nov 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2014
    412 niggas
  9. 570 here. Just moved to the area. I know this forum is old but if anyones in the area let me know. Would love to meet some people. Just got out of the Army and I am here for college
  10. It's funny, one person says their area code and then a bunch of people respond with theirs.

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