I had the sick idea of hosting a Grasscity League of Legend Tournament, where everyone can come here and sign up, and request their team of 5, and then all the people without a team could be placed on one given the knowledge of what champions everyone would wish to play as. The Tournament itself would be done through the Custom game option, and the players would be invited by the host etc etc, and the results would be posted here for the tournament master to update the brackets with. I said 5v5, but we could do a 3v3 instead, or simultaneously. I myself am personally more fond of 3v3's, but whatever the people want the people shall get. Who would be up for something like this?
I would, this would be a ton of fun, and from reading the LoL thread a decent amount of players play LoL.
What's your name on there Sham? Led Zepp and I have been tearing it up pretty badly in 3's.. like 12:1 k/d bad. Come get some action man 8)
Damn I'm on a losing streak too. I think I need to do some Karthus facerolling to get some momentum going I'm down for 3's or 5's.. boomBZ
I will play haven't played lol in a while but I am patching right now. Probably about to make a new account so I will put my name up as soon as I get started
S' lookin good guys, once we get a couple more I can start making brackets and this thing can take off!
add me Obeeyy lvl 30, id be interested. usually i roll with volibear, you can never go wrong with that lovable bear