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Grasscity is just like highDEAS...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Slumerican, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. ...except it seems a lot more mature.
  2. GC is the best MJ forums out there not too many trolls just tokers helping out tokers haha
  3. God what does that say about HighDeas?
  4. [quote name='"WildWill"']God what does that say about HighDeas?[/quote]

    Whats highdeas?

  5. impractical, impossible, convoluted, or just plain silly ideas that are formed under the influence of cannabis.
  6. [quote name='"kashii"']
    impractical, impossible, convoluted, or just plain silly ideas that are formed under the influence of cannabis.[/quote]

    Aha funny!!
  7. Highdeas isnt what it used to be, its not even ideas anymore. Its just shit that people find on the internet and post or "upvote if you love weed" "upvote for joints"
  8. GC>internet :smoke:

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