GrassCity is HUGE

Discussion in 'General' started by MikeyChill, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. One thing ive noticed in my short time in the city, is how big it theres soooooooo much information/topics/opinions, i could browse for hours and not even get close to checking everything out. I can get damn near any question answered in the city as well as find out about countless subjects. This place is fun to explore :smoke:
  2. yup it was like that for me 2 :)

  3. :smoking:

    Shows how popular cannabis is.
  4. I do my best. :cool:
  5. My favorite subjects are sadly forbidden
  6. drasscity to me is better than GOOGLE...

    i have yet to have a question,,,, that a blade dont have my answer to,,,,

    and im talking,, a far range of subjects,,, most not even weed related,,,,,

    just topics in general,,,,,

    this place is full of a bunch of mother fuckin undercover geniuosou's.

  7. I have the best opinions on the sight... fax

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