Grasscity identity is NOT safe!?!

Discussion in 'General' started by tokabowl, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. #1 tokabowl, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    Wow I just thought of this and now I'm thinking about it.

    Have you ever worried or thought about your friend google searching something related to weed, and coming across a thread/post you made about a story of someshit related to you, and he figures out that it is you. And then he can find all your posts/threads and see all the weird shit you wrote on here to random people?

    Lol, funny to think what my buddies would think, reading half my posts.

    uhhhh. btw. This was just an informative joke...
  2. it's pretty simple, don't post anything you wouldn't want your friends reading.
  3. ive had that happen to me. Not weed related though. Makes u kinda think about posting private info or pictures. I dont give out my real name online. fook dat

  4. OH shit! this guy is a genius.
  5. Or just don't give a fuck about what people think.

    Not iike I'm, living some secret double life here or something.

  6. Exactly dude...I really don't care what I post, but if you're worried about that then...
  7. My ex, current girlfriend, a friend and my cousion is on here.

    I don't really gives a fuck.
  8. In the infamous words of an old member.. giving zero fucks LOL
  9. I mean I dont givea shit what my friends think about me. But still, I'd rather them not knowing I like to talk about my 3 least favorite things about taking a poop...
  10. I"m not that worried, a friend of mine has actually done that and read about a problem I had with my ex (current girlfriend at the time) and if I was going to leave her for either of my two (hotter,nicer and all around better people) friends. It wasn't that big a deal.If there your friend they won't give a fuck,,,,cause I sure don't
  11. Theres only a few that knows I use this name, and I doubt they would be searching for it

  12. I feel like the most attractive quality of an online community is that you can post whatever you want about your life and not worry about real life people reading it. It blows that you'd have to censor your thoughts online too.

  13. Lol well grasscity does that for you already:D
  14. I am comfortable enough with who i am that if anyone actually saw my profile and recognized me, then read through my posts, they would know more about me, how i think, and how i feel about the world, than anyone i know in real life.

    That would be alright, although they may think im crazy.
  15. Post in Nirvana and don't worry about it
  16. I"m a legal medical patient in the state of Oregon, if the DEA wants to come for me my DNR and body donation instructions are on the fridge, do make sure to donate what is left after you shoot me in the head several times:)

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