I had a major surgery in late December was in the hospital for Christmas . And currently still recovering takes about 6 months to fully recover. So I just stay at home bored all day. I can't toke because I'm taking Dilaudid for pain and i don't want to mix that stuff. Also coughing hurts like a bitch. But GC keeps me sain I love to go here and read all of the real life stories. Thank you GrassCity! Post your appreciation to GC.
I don't like bars my close friends and I swore never to do bars. 3 of my friends have died from bars. I am only taking it because i need it for the pain. Its not worth the risk of coughing just to smoke coughing hurts INSANELY!
ill use the search button for you...lets see how many grasscity appreciation threads there are shall we? http://forum.grasscity.com/general/482505-i-love-grasscity.html http://forum.grasscity.com/general/462358-grasscity-appreciation-thread.html http://forum.grasscity.com/general/...lades-who-have-impacted-you-positive-way.html http://forum.grasscity.com/general/506193-official-grasscity-appreciation-thread.html http://forum.grasscity.com/general-feedback/406835-grasscity-appreciation-thread.html http://forum.grasscity.com/recreati...-official-grass-city-appreciation-thread.html http://forum.grasscity.com/recreational-marijuana-use/198995-best-forum-net-applause-grasscity.html yeahhhhh....