Grass City Modern Warfare 2 (PS3) PSN Names

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by iamkevinspacey, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. So i noticed that there was a thread for MW2 on Xbox 360, but not us PS3 gamers.

    I think it would be cool if all the City people posted their PSN names on here so we can group them up in one little package.

    my PSN: Blackdog2113

    feel free to post yours in here and i'll try to keep adding them to this page so we can get our game on together.

    PS: i haven't played in about 3 weeks but i should be starting again soon if i can find some people to play with.

    So post away!
  2. psnID:ilovemiieycyrus intentional two ii's
    pretty good player recent 32 win streak in pub ffa
    1.70 kdr
    also mic
  3. Kingsofhell91
  4. ill add you guys tonight when I get on.

  5. PSN: PurpleHaze0
  6. PSN: terzim1
    add me :)
  7. PSN = MRBlonde3391

    feel free to add
  8. PSN : bigbluntburnin94
  9. nitrostatic
  10. Strapped420
    Add me! Play some MW2
  11. #11 Tekken, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    Add Me: Bilbo_TeeBaggins
  12. Ghost-420-666
  13. PSN: RubberMother

    Games: Modern Warfare 2 & Bioshock 2
  14. add me my PSN is imortalinc
  15. add me psn:: stayshinein
  16. anybody add me I going to be on today my tag is imortalinc to play MW2, battle field 2, or MAG
  17. Add me idontknowmaanee

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