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Granddaddy Purp & Delicious Dro!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Kaderade, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. I picked up an ounce last night, half Granddaddy Purp and half Dro. It looks, smells, and smokes amazingly. Who doesn't love purple marijuana? :smoking:

    Enjoy these pics!


  2. i also picked up some GDP last night. this shits awesome
  3. I am one of those guys whose real good friends with the weedman but as of all these pics i see of GDP and Grape Ape etc. Now it makes me saddened to know i will not see purple for a month or so when i got it it was straight barney color and a half filled up a sandwich bag to the top always i have a gram i have been saving i will be putting it to use momentarily happy tokin + rep guy
  4. Thanks guys. And happy toking man! Nothing beats the purple. :D

    Savor the gram.

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