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Grand Theft Auto V

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by tonyhimselff, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Has anybody seen an expected release date for this game? Im pretty stoked for it already since i havent been into a game since Skyrim lol.

    The damn games not even out and people are blaming it for the shootings that have happened recentley..pretty ridiculous.

    Anyways who else is excited for GTA V!:hello:
  2. game looks alot different then the regular gta games.
    official trailer #2 seemed like the trailer to a shit comedy.
  3. ofcourse its different from the other gtas, its a new game.
  4. I hope they go more the San Andreas path rather than that new shit
  5. i liked both, i didnt rely prefer one to the other.
  6. I wouldn't say different. At all. It seems a lot more like 'classic' GTA than any of the past three games (IV+TLatD+TBoGT).

    GTA's always had cheesy comedy. It's part of it's appeal. IV just jumped several notches on the dark and gritty scale.

    Wait til the game has been released before drawing conclusions. This is only the second trailer released after the game has been in development for [at the least] 3 years, maybe even 4/5 years. Most games aren't in development for a fraction of the time GTA V (and GTA's in general, really) has.
  7. looks amazing..
  8. March 6th

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