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grand daddy purp

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bigheist, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. just picked up off my friend for 15$ this is wat heaven smells like

    Attached Files:

  2. good buy.GDP never dissapoints.
  3. Looks like some dense nugs.
  4. [quote name='"mrblunt83"']good buy.GDP never dissapoints.[/quote]

    [quote name='"Jamaican Hotbox"']Looks like some dense nugs.[/quote]

    This is sum kill. I feel so peaceful. Almost at the euphoric level that norcos Do
  5. Narcos huh?

    Isn't that a cool way to say it...
  6. Looks danky, because they're so dense you most likely have a lot of weed even though you have a few nugs, looks like a great deal man...
  7. [quote name='"l James l"']Narcos huh?

    Isn't that a cool way to say it...[/quote]

    Lol norcos are vicodin with less acetametaphine so u can safegully take more
  8. [quote name='"GSN1PA360"']Looks danky, because they're so dense you most likely have a lot of weed even though you have a few nugs, looks like a great deal man...[/quote]

    Hell ya lol and its my neighbor so he delivered haha

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