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Grand Daddy Purp - Straight Outta Oregon!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dr dre, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. this nug used to be a quarter.... getting smaller as we speak

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  2. looks great, im smoking on some gdp's atm too...yours are looking nicer then mine, got mine from a grower in LA...but nonetheless good shit :smoke:
  3. I wish I could get nugs like that :(
  4. GDP is the tits
  5. Grand Daddy Purple is one of my favorite strains. And Oregon has some good high-quality nug.

    Enjoy your purchase man!
  6. smoked some GDP last night and started watching a movie don't even remember the movie woke up this morning on the couch lol, nice dank :smoke::smoke:
  7. Holy shit that nug is huge! Its as big as a fucking broccoli!!! :eek:
  8. i been rolling gdp joints this week.. been sleeping like a baby

    mines not purple but it has alot of orange hairs
  9. I've smoked that GDP before.

    good shit.
  10. nice beats bro and nice weed
  11. That looks absolutely delicious. I'm picking up some GDP Monday. Never had any before so I'm looking forward to it.
  12. I'd do some horrible things for a Q of that stuff..
    Is that bad?
  13. yea i had 2 ounces... definitely a good purchase
  14. I'm from Portland and just had some GDP that very similar ::rolleyes::bongin::yay:
  15. You can always buy real Grand Daddy Purp from our dispensary in downtown LA if you have a medical marijuana card.
  16. What did you think of your Grand Daddy Purp experience?
  17. Thanks for the great feedback!

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