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Gran Shabooby purp

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dissentience19, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Anybody heard of this stuff? Dealer says it's dank but looking for second opinion.
  2. That is a fuckin weird ass name man.
  3. Grandaddy Purp?
  4. Lmfao at the name he's probably fuckin with or was baked out of his mind and made some shit up. If it's purple it might be gran daddy purps but I highly doubt that unless u live in Cali.
  5. It was definitely the name he sent me. I can't find anybody ever having mentioned it.
  6. Yeah, it's cali.
  7. Then you might be gettin the real deal since gran daddy purps is clone only and originates in Cali. But post a pic if u decide to get it.
  8. Will do. I've bought from him many times before so I don't think he's trying to rip me off, but I had just never heard of the strain. Thanks though.
  9. message him and be like "wait wtf"
  10. Also since you're in Cali there's a lot of growers so the name might not be bs just some goofy grower breeding.
  11. Possible.
  12. The supplier can make up whatever name he wants. Like, something named Gran Shaboody purp, hell yeah, I'd want to hit that.
  13. Don't worry about the strain name, if it's good smelling dank, buy it.
  14. Sounds like GDP, he could just be fucking with you on the name, or the dude he got it from could be fucking with him on the name. Or the dude that guy got it from could be fucking with him on the name. And so on.

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