Grasscity - Dab Rig Sale - 50% Discount
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Gram of Weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Deadmuu5, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. This may sound like a dumb question, but should a gram of weed be just a gram straight up regardless, or should it be slightly more to take into account for stems and seeds and whatnot.
  2. A gram of weed is a gram of weed. Now, if it's obviously like .5 of seeds and stem i'd say soemthing.
  3. A gram straight up, sadly.

    If you are cool with your dealer and see like thick stems and shit u can just be like yo can i get another pinch this is really stemmy
  4. Well, if the dealer sold a gram for whatever price - it's usually a solid gram, stems and seeds are included in the weight. ;)
  5. some of my old dealer always used to pack in a bit more. but a gram is a gram.
  6. a gram is a gram
  7. Like my buddy always: you sell what you buy or else you get fucked over.
  8. "Grams" round here are what we refer to. 1 gram - 10 bag , 2 grams - 20 bag.

    "grams" are usually 1.7-2.1 of mids, 1.5ish of heads(For me any way)
  9. this makes no sense

    im high

    if the gram you get is 1.7-2.1 grams how is it a gram:confused:

  10. Just what it's called round here... you can say dime, 10 sack, gram, etc. interchangeably.

    i dont care though, more buds for me...
  11. If it's anything less than dank... I usually expect .1-.2 grams to be seeds and stems.
  12. thats kinda what i thought, but i just wanted to make sure thats what everyone does
  13. its all included.

    part of the reason mids are so much cheaper.
  14. Why would anyone buy a gram of anything but dank?

    A gram of schwag would cost like 3 bucks.
  15. Depends on how legit your dealers are. If my dealers get some seedy or stemmy mids, they usually bump the weigh up a good .5-.7, sometimes a whole G.

    But if you look in your g-bag, and have like .4-.5 stick n seed, I'd def. complain. If its even questionable, weigh the sticks and seeds. Literally break apart all your buds, and weigh JUST the sticks and seeds, and bring the evidence up with him.
  16. Gram of weed with stems and seads man. If your dealers buying it with seeds and stems he gonna sell it to your with seeds and stems so they don't lose profit.
  17. I bought a gram yesterday and got 40 seeds from it. Not counting the ones I jus threw in the bowl. Happy to get some seeds but deff not pleased with this. Way to many to get in a gram![/COLOR]
  18. #18 Ronald U. Swanson, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2012
    I bought a dub from a trap house once and one of the dime bags had a .5g stem, along with the regular amount of stem/seeds. But, due to certain circumstances, you can't really complain to these people haha.

  19. troll


    you're retarded
  20. Fuck you man. Your on here hatin. Usually I never get seeds from this dealer and I got 40 in a gram. True story and if u don't believe it then move on. No one wants to see some shitty hatin comments coming from a 12 year old

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