GQ Magazine Pot Article

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by rock-lobster1, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. Hey guys and gals. Just read this article in GQ magazine today and found it to be quite ridiculous. The article essentially laughs at the use of marijuana, and that the rising popularity of the great marijuana debate, among other things, is making marijuana smoking "lame," according to Mark Healy.

    Healy makes sweeping generlizations through out the entire article. For instance, he implies that "every one smokes marijuana" and that everyone is "pot-literate" now a-days. Now i agree with him to some extent, in that marijuana has become more "popular," but not popular in the sense that more people are doing it. But its becoming more mainstream and is actually being discussed openly, resulting in potential legalization with in my lifetime. His tone through out the article suggests that it is just some fad, but any one that can do a little research on the interwebs can see that large populations of people have been smoking marijuana for a long time, and not until now can people actually feel comfortable talking about and not worry about being judged for using a harmless substance. He uses this argument of popularity is such a ridiculous way, to suggest that popularity of something equates to "lame." Ugh his word choice bugs the shit out of me, but thats beside the point.

    One passage suggests that the reason pot became so popular was because of the "medical-marijuana advocates began equating pot with something healthful and people started actually believing them." He goes on to say that "Look, i'm grateful that pot now brings a measure of comfort to people who need it to treat nausea and headaches. I just wish that this progress hadn't turned pot into the next blue-green algae." He completely ignores the fact that medical weed is used by dying cancer patients and other people that suffer from life threatening illnesses, not just people who have headaches and get nauseous out of no where. He is completely marginalizing the benefits of medical weed here and the people who truly suffer. He also ignores the fact that medical weed has been around for ever, it hasn't just "now [bought] a measure of comfort" to patients. My father used to work in a cancer ward in Baltimore in the 70's and 80's, and says patients used it all the time to help with their pain.

    He says that "smoking pot was never meant to be useful" and that because there are so many choices of weed now (as in strains) "Choice inevitably leads to preference, which leads to connoisseurship, snobbery, and ultimately tedious levels of bourgeois fetishism." I dont know about you Healy, but i like having a lot of choices in my life, not just with my weed.

    All in all this man is fool and comes across as a pompous asshole in this article. He is "above" this whole fad that is smoking marijuana. No one does it for the "right" reasons according to Healy. Who is he to decide what is or isn't "lame?" Oh yes, i forgot, he works for GQ, the end all be all for overpriced male fashion decisions. He must be qualified...

    Sorry about the rant i just went on, but thats my opinion of this article. Read through it and let me know what you guys think!
  2. GQ is a retarded magazine that tries to pass itself off as a Rolling Stone of sorts where it sets what is cool and not cool in pop culture...its the one that's lame :D
  3. This guy does not know what he is talking about. The next blue-green algae? Marijuana discussion is getting closer to the mainstream but there are not more users. The 2009 UNODC report shows that marijuana use in the US has declined slightly over the last decade.

    He mocks medical marijuana patients and the legalization movement. He says the financial benefits of legalization make it lame. WTF? So according to Mark Healy things have to be run by organized crime to be cool. What a fucking moron. I don't read GQ because I don't give a shit about male fashion trends. How can that mag stay in business if they hire a fuck like Healy as their director of editorial projects.
  4. Wow, I could go on and on about how much this Healy guy sucks, so that everytime he googled his name he would read how much ppl dislike him, but I won't.

    BUT YOU CAN!!!!!!!!lmfao:hello:
  5. No, no, no. We should look highly to the advice of those guys who spend $200 on a pair of designer jeans to stand out and get noticed by the ladies and also those who take longer to "style" their hair than ladies. These are not just men, these are real men. Men who know things....everything.....b/c they are cool.........Sar-cas-tic;)
  6. This guy is basically complaining about nothing, and being elitist about something he isn't what if it used to be a risk? or cool. All i can think after reading through that is, "why do you give a fuck dude?" He's ranting about shit i've never heard a single person complain about
  7. Uh, why so serious?! That cyanophyta comment was retarded, other than that I thought this was kind of funny.

    I doubt this is Mark Healys true aim on why marijuana stands where it is today. If so, its shit... but I don't think it is though.

    Learn to laugh a little, everybody.

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