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Gov't/NWO cancer connection

Discussion in 'Politics' started by mcgillicutty13, May 26, 2009.

  1. i didnt quite know where to post this, couldn't really find a "conspiracy theories" section, because that's all this is. as of now...

    i was smoking out on my back porch tonight when it hit me.

    as speculated, the bildebergers, nwo, illuminati, whatever you want to call those greedy bastards, have an agenda to wipe out a large percent of the human population.

    anyways.. for some reason tonight i got to thinking about ciggarettes (and other tobacco products) and cancer. and that how can these people really honestly sit in their chairs in sweden or where ever they bask in our money and sell you cancer-sticks. :confused: addictive ones at that, luckily for me i dont smoke the things.

    anyways. before i confuse you anymore, my point is maybe they use and rely on peoples addiction to ciggarettes/similar tobacco products not only for fucktons of money, but it keeps the population down for a nice kicker. ciggarettes ftw :hello:. just a thought. the gov'ts so involved with everything else that reaps huge profit in the world, my only guess is to think they have their hands down each others pockets of the tobocco industries. oh well. :smoking:

    what do you guys think?
  2. Dude it's like that for everything, the middle and lower class eat shit food loaded with shit tons of complex sugars that easily cause higher consumption of it in long term while the rich fuckers are buying pure organic food, have personal trainers, with gym membership that they use and are slicing a bitches throat for a spot for their kids at a 40,000$ a year pre-school.

    I'm sure you know of the wealth distribution in this world and just how far the gap is, 80% of all the wealth in the world is within the top 1% of the entire population.

    Capitalism has already been understood and confirmed as "social darwinism".

  3. this.
  4. CONGRATULATIONS! That is the correct answer (claps loudly), there is indeed a connection between the gov't/nwo!, not so sure where you are going with ciggarettes, the main things to consider are social programming, mind control, collectivism, eugenics, police state, control grid, and neo feudalism

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