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gotta pass a hair test :(

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DET, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. #1 DET, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Alright, not trying to be a buzzkill cuz I love all these threads but I really need some help here. I just got an internship offer in Chicago which would be fuckin awesome. I told my parents and everything they're so happy I got a job I'm finally becoming a real business man. Bad part is they are pulling my hair. I was preparing for a urine test and stopped smoking January 11th to give myself a good 30-40 days, and now I see that my company uses hair testing. Before this I smoked everyday and moderately heavily. I mean a lot of my friends smoke so we just smoke when we chill, I'm sure you guys know. So probly 1g-1.5 a day prior. I get my business taken care of have a good GPA and stay responsible. So I have been reading up on numerous sites about any possible way and haven't found anything conclusive. I was about to order Toxin Wash for $100 but just read a thread from '09 about a guy who used Magguco method and did toxin wash and failed it. Holy shit is there any way I can pass this test? I would appreciate any help if anyone knows someone who has been in my position. Peace and Love, light one up for me bc I've been off for 20 days it feels like a good friend of mine passed away. Thanks everyone.

    Me: 6'2", 180 lbs. , Male, White/Caucasian, 19 years old, Sophomore in college and I was lucky to land such a good internship. It pays well and the fact that I don't want this hair test to hold me back from such a great opportunity. This could really launch my career. I'm freakin out.
  2. Are they seriously doing a hair test for an internship? If so you're most likely fucked (sorry but it's true).
    The military uses the same exact test, THC can be found in hair follicles, even up to a year after smoking.
  3. yea dude thats fucked idk if theres any way around the hair test
  4. Yeah, shit. I don't want to come to this realization. I don't want to give up. But seriously I have been reading for 2 straight days and can't find a way that works and can't trust the companies who sell the products they claim 100% guarantee which I know isn't true. My parents have never caught me for smoking because I keep it dl. Anytime they talk to people they are so happy to tell friends and family I got offered an internship in Chicago. This is why I came to the real smokers, someone has to know a way there are millions of us out here.
  5. how far away is it? You couldn't shave your head and have it grow back to a short style or something?
  6. I passed 2 out of 2 hair tests with Zydot [ame=] Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo: Health & Personal Care[/ame]
  7. If you're honest with them that could change things, you could tell them you smoked cannabis a few months ago but have quit for the job, they might be understanding and say OK. Or they could be ignorant, uneducated assholes and think cannabis is some hardcore drug that causes cancer and kills brain cells (LOL).

    Maybe the guy who bought the hair detox kit didn't do it right, if they sell those, it'd be a good idea to try it out; it's an option. Buy it, use it correctly, than go get your hair tested for THC to see if it worked or not. Here's a site that looks pretty legit, Hair Drug Tests :: Arham International, Inc.. That's a really good idea, you should definitely try it; it might work.

    Or do what he said and buy it from amazon, its up to you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  8. I didnt buy mine from amazon. the link was for reference. Got it at the local head shop! like I said 100% and I would use it again.
  9. Also try buzzing your hair and using swimmers shampoo, which kinda breaks down impurities in the hair as opposed to normal shampoo which puts kind of a waxy coating on the hair, preserving all that drug shit.
  10. 209, when did you pass yours? And how heavy smoking or what was your timeframe like? I just read some forums that claimed Zydot doesn't work anymore because recently hair centers found a way to wash it off.

    I have cut my hair short recently, like I said I'm about 20 days clean so it may or may not be out. I want to keep it an inch or more or else they will go to my body which I have read retains a lot more THC.

    Monstaro: what kind of swimmers shampoos are there? never heard of that stuff....

    EVERYONE THANK YOU SO MUCH for your advice I appreciate it, I don't want to lose this battle.
  11. yeah that zydot shit is legit
  12. #13 209, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Was a couple of yrs ago. I smoke all day every day. I just buzzed my hair and used the shampoo the morning of the test. scrub your head with the shampoo till its almost dry on your head (like 10min) rinse and do the same with the purifer, your arms will hurt from scrubbing so long. then your hair will be extreme squikey clean!
    I do see other forums lots of people say they failed with it.
  13. the first thing i would have done if i were u is try and get a mmj card, that way u have a legitimate excuse for having thc in your system.
  14. thought about the medical card, trust me. But living in Michigan teens get the medical card easily and when the company asks why I have it and report "chronic pain" or "back pain", I mean I've heard of companies who just frown upon the medical card especially for younger people. I wanted to get it even before jobs and shit cuz I pass medical stores all the time and they have the bombest fuckin bud. And its cheap. Wow if anyone wants good medicals move to Michigan....

    Methods To Beat A Hair Drug Test

    I read up on this site, it claims Zydot is a failure. They could just be trying to market toxin wash cuz they said it worked really well. These guys seem like they're legit, but now I really dont know because of a thread from '09 toxin wash failed the guy. I'll prob spend the hundo on toxin wash and hope for the best.
  15. some people said this works, do a cycle of zydot, and a cycle of something u think will work. thats if the price isnt to high, and yea i u got a point about the mmj card.
  16. Just thinking on what to do if I was in your situation , I would shave my head..
  17. shave your head
  18. Try getting a perm!! All those chemicals have to deter all the THC from your hair follicles.

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