welp today i got treated like a ****** during slavery for the last time n i quit my job, motherfuckers made me drag a pile of shingles n tar paper (all which was on a duplex beforehand) in garbage cans up a bigass hill and into a dumpster, they were gonna have me doin that by myself, but i got lucky n the carpenters helped me out, it took 4 hours with 3 people, imagine with just me, then i drove the dumptruck back to the shop n they told me to unload it by hand into the dump, and at this point in time i just said "you know what, i quit" n punched my timesheet n left, my back is fuckin killin me right now and if thats not bad enough i'm super broke n need to find a new job n fuckin fast cuz as of right now i got no dough, i figure rob some people n shit til i find a job, and it'll be all good haha and thats my wonderful day as of now
dont steal man. sell blood and seamen. or if your are a fucking retard you could join the army. hahahaha. good luck with your money troubles
2 things: 1. he could be completely kidding. you dont know. 2. how can you read his posts and not know he participates in sketchy behavior? haha kidding neg.