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gotta clean my bong

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by reachin4cloud9, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. so i gotta clean my bong. i was hoping to just fill it up and let it sit because it has resign on EVERYTHING. i dont have tht much iso but plenty of salt(what i use for smaller pieces) but i dont have tht muxh to fill the whole bong... can i mix in hot water or will that defeat the purpose of the iso??? also what can i plug the ds hole with? i know i can probably use a tenis ball for the mouth

    edit- btw it has one perc if that matters
  2. Hey brotha, theres two common and very useful options i like to use when cleaning glass.

    1. Fill your piece with iso and a little WARM WATER (not boiling hot or it will cook the resin and stain your piece).

    2. Use a bathroom washcloth or towel and simply press it into the place where you put your downstem on the bong (this is called a joint).

    3. Plug the joint with the washcloth using your thumb.

    4. Add a little salt (however much is neccessary) and shake vigorously but try not to drop or bang your piece.

    5. Rinse...

    6. Profit.

    However, that method can be very tedious and annoying, i suggest you pick up some of this stuff, its re usable, and about 14 bucks but its strong as hell and lasts a long time. It can be found at your LHS its called: (now use the same method as stated before, but let the solution sit for like half hour, shake, wait another 15 mins, etc. Should clean it pretty nicely homie.

    Hope this helped!!!!

    Attached Files:

  3. Fill your bong with 91 % isopropl alcohol and salt and cover the holes with your hands. Then shake the bong for about five minutes.

  4. k ill do this but will it still work if i use 1/4 iso 3/4 warm water?? and lots of salt? cuz i can only use a limited amount of iso and this thing has never been cleaned (stored and smoked everyday outside for a year an i only change the water every week or so... gotten wayyyyy too gross
  5. Yes it will still work, but if your dealing with some really heavy stuff, I personally would probably use a cleaning solution, simply to avoid the headache of cleaning, shaking, repeat, etc.

    Hope this helps.

  6. im looking to just let it sit for a couple hours... this thing is actually like a half inch thicker everyywhere cuz of resign and the perc is so clogged that one arm snapped from me trying to suck so hard, and its almost completely closed off at the ice pinches
  7. water pipe....

    ha ha

    anyway.. go buy some iso.. its like $2.15 for a 30oz bottle.

  8. k thanks wish me luck
  9. Pour Boiling water in it and wash it out im pretty sure that'll be fine

  10. NO DON'T DO THIS. It will cook the resin into the glass and permanently stain it.

  11. This will most likely make your bong shatter into a thousand pieces if you stated its been outside all winter. Please do not do this.

  12. i wont haha. but im in cali so its not really cold. and i have abundant amounts of glass cleaner/and pretty much any other cleaner so will this work? bleach? idk i feel like the little amount of iso i have wont do much
  13. i use 99% iso and rice
  14. cleaned it and i found the iso-water-salt mix did very little while pure iso and salt worked amazong. even though i didnt let it sit just shaking it was enough

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