Got some questions?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Tha_Joker, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. I'm a light smoker, when I have weed I average like a gram a week. But I realized that I have kept all the seeds and now I have 16. So, I was going to just plant them in this plot of land outside. But I have some questions. First, Is it too late to plant them, I live in michigan, so I was thinking It's too late? And, when I do plant them I dont want to do much maintanence, just check on them a few times, the quality isnt that important to me because it's my first time and I dont plan on being a serious grower so I'll be happy just getting some bud. So what's the best way to plant and maintain them with little maintanence? Oh and I noticed that some of the seeds are white, do I still use those?

  2. I am not an outdoor grower, but there is a whole section of this forum dedicated to it. I am sure most of your questions will be answered there.

    I do know two things though.

    Yes, it is too late to plant your seeds in Michigan now. You have to do it after the last freeze. Typically in late spring.

    White seeds typical do not germinate, but it never hurts to try.

    Good luck.
  3. Yes, it' too late to plant them outdoors. Wait until late May.

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