Got some questions for ya...

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Doober420, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. K as u see in the first pic the leafs on my plants are all turning deep bluish/purple i'm guessing it is because it has gotten really cold at night the last few nights... correct? is there anything I can do? will it return to its natural green color when it warms up again?

    The second pic.. well theres just somthin wrong there...

    I'm stumped on the third pic it looks like the leaf has been burned you guys have any guesses?

    And the last two pics are of some plants' leaves curling around and looking wrinkled what would cause this?

    Sorry for all this at once...Thanks for the help guys.

    Attached Files:

  2. Surely, this is a joke again.
  3. Wow thanks for the help spanishfly! Your a real asset to this forum... half the time.
  4. looks like they need more water if they are getting brown and curled. I don't know how you have been caring for them how old they are or nothing but they look like they are very small and under cared for.
  5. Well I water them everyday so I don't think it is underwatering. They are clones they were transplanted in early june and they are not growing as good as the ones I have in pots so i'm guessing the native soil is too hard to penetrate past the potting soil or somthing they were put in jiffy pellets and maybe they had a tough time getting roots through that anyways i'm not using jiffy pellets next year i'm goin with rockwool. I think this all boils down to nutrient problems as alot of the older leaves are turning yellow which means they are lacking chlorophyll which means needs more nitrogen! As for the new leaves curling like that I have no clue maybe its part of the same problem..

    By the way I still have all my mamas and they are gettin big thats why i'm not worrying about the clones as much.

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