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Got Some Bud Last Night

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by cantstopmenow1, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Yesterday I picked up an 1/8th of some stuff from a friend's dealer for 20$. I'm not sure if it was an 1/8th, since it did look a bit under bagged, but oh well.

    It's mostly dark green with some light green and then some brownish hairs. Very few stems/seeds like 4 seeds tops and only stems to support the nugs.

    6-7 nugs the size of dimes and 1 the size of a quarter.

    I can't find any pictures that look anything like it, does anyone have a clue what it is? I'm thinking it's some reg mids. Not a very potent smell, but still overwhelming.

    EDIT: First time buying weed, have smoked before. Bought a 30$ bubbler last week. Also tried that gross incense stuff, never again.
  2. Theres this thing beside the other one you told me that looks similar to the back of a cat. I cant find pictures anywhere can anyone tell me what it is?

    Its got that other thing too
  3. On a less dick note, please try to refrain from giving vague descriptions with no pictures. What you baught could be anything from scented cow shit to the dankest weed you'll ever smoke. Guess well never know :|
  4. It looks alot like

  5. Just take a photo of it with your phone or something :smoke:
  6. Sounds exactly like mids to me from your description. Seedy, dark green, hairs, and 20/eighth are all the most common signs of mids.

    If you are worried about being shorted, either buy a scale and check to make sure it is 3.5+ grams for at least an eighth, or ask your dealer to show you the scale when he is weighing it out. If he is being truthful with you, he shouldn't have anything to hide. If he has ANY problem with showing you the weight, stop buying from him.

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