Got scammed, because I really f'ed up

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by TAZZAK, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. First of all I'm not asking for advice on what I should of done, but you can go ahead and flame all you want...I really fucked this one up because I was just stupid.

    So I just recently moved to college station/tx for school. Don't know anyone here. After class I was talking to this black dude in a little white car at a rediculously long light. He asked if I knew where the good bud was in this town. (I have a half oz of maui, I didnt intend to sell) I told him I dunno where it is but I have some maui. He asked for my number cuz the light was about to change and then he called me. We talked a lil about the maui and he said if he could get some. I told him I didn't have a scale or anything. He then said it's cool if you can eyeball it. So I think to myself...well I dont have a job yet...dont have any money yet....might as well.... I told him he can come over and check it out and smoke a blunt with me cuz i didnt have anything to do that day.

    3 hours later he came over. I met him in the apartment parkin area and walked up to my room. sparked a blunt, smoked it. talked about how much he wanted.. he wanted a fucking quarter, and i told him i'd give it to em for 120, and I split my half o down the middle, and told him to take whatever one he wanted. he said we could walk down to the car and see which one weighed more on his scale (first time he mentioned having one,and I didnt have one the whole time and he knew that, seemed sketchy...) I asked why he didnt say he had one and laughed because that would of made it easier...where i'm from though I used to talk to a lot of dumb...well.. you get the picture there.

    We walk down to the car (i have both quarters in my bad in seperate bags)and just before we get to it, he turns around and lifts up the bottom of his shirt and pulls out his wires. (it looked like a fucking cellphone ear piece to your phone with a wire that it didnt show where it was going) He said he was an informat working for the po po and that if I hand over the dope now I wont be going to jail. Then he turned around and yelled "hey john!, yeah over here" So I handed him the bag and asked to see his ID, he said it was in the car he doesnt carry it on him but if I want to go talk to the police to just wait outside.(im thinking fuck that,and im scared shitless right now thinking my life is about to come to a screeching halt...remember im blazed during all this) He said to just go inside my room they'll be up there shortly. He told me they had my lic plate and knows where I live so theres no use in running. I said you garunteed me I wasnt getting arrested, and he told me "yeah your not, but your probably getting a ticket" So I walk to my room, and turn around and ask him if i can have my bag that the bud is in...(lol) he said no and I franticaly went to my room.... threw any kind of bad stuff away....

    two min later I get a phone call on my sell...priv#...

    Hello. this is officer williams of blahblahblah calling for me. He told me where I saw the informat at what light, and we talked about selling... basically he had alot planned out to say acting like a real po po on the phone. told me what chargers I was faced with and what the maximum penalty for that charge was. And told me if I could pay an extortion fee, the charges would be droped and not able to use that against me in the future...

    That was what alerted me the most that I got fucking ripped hard. Every part of extortion is pretty much illeagal to my knowledge, its right along the lines of black mail.

    I asked him how much it was, and he told me its the street value of the drugs they confiscated which was $240, and that I had to pay it by next week. All of that really made me think wtf is this shit... since when could you pay your way out of everything for only 240...

    Had a friend call this dude's number, he had a clever convo thought up...basically figured out that he's got my shit, and he's sellin 8ths for 75... If he calls back on the private line, I;m going to sound eager to pay this fee so I wont have any charges on my record blah blah.... and ask if I go up to the police station to pay the fee or if someone is coming to where I live.. More then likely he'll jump on the opt. to get that money and come to the apartment, which ill lead him into acting like I know nothing I actually do... Whatever happens after that will begin with some raaggeeee from me.

    Words can't describe how dumb I feel, and how fucking pissed of that some broke ass ***** is out there doing that. I have his cell number and I won't let this go... I have no pot, and nothing else to do...

    Any intelligent ideas to set him up?
  2. Damn...thats some shit from the movies dawg...sorry about your loss of bud and dignity..ide say let God deal with it cuz you dont know if he has a gun this time...
  3. That's pretty dispicable. Sorry to hear that.
  4. wow, i've never heard anything like that happen to anyone. i'm sorry, man :( what kind of loser goes through all of that to steal weed from someone? honestly.

    just a heads up, though, talk of dealing is against gc's rules, so you should edit your post so this thread doesn't get closed or deleted.

    i'm trying to think of what you could do, nothing's really coming to mind except to buy some pepper spray and the next time you see him to "pay your fine" spray that asshole in the face, stab him in the shoulder, take all his stuff and scream "how does it feel to be robbed?" haha.
  5. I realize you were scared but, you smoked a blunt with this guy, and then believed that he was an officer? That is one fucking prick right there though, I hope you find some way to ameliorate the situation

  6. I at no time thought he was an officer, but rather an informant. They could, depending on the situation, smoke.....

    I dunno how to edit that story any more... I wasn't dealing though, i was just trying to help a brotha out lol...that was my dank to smoke after homework and in the mornings before spanish...before lunch....before dinner..... right before I go to sleep... yeah. all those times...

    It's like when you grab a 30pack of beer, and someone needs beer later that night, and you say gimme ten you can have half of it. lol...
  7. pretty damn smooth by that guy. very elaborate. i do not do things like this, but i read stories like this on here often. this is one of the most creative ways ive seen someone get jacked.

    when meeting for the payment have a few guys off to the side and jump him. only bad part is he might have the same thing waiting and you wouldnt know how many to have it even. don't know what else to do...
  8. that guy went through all of that to rob a half ounce of weed? what a scumbag. he's obviously going nowhere in life.
    sorry to hear about it man. the best thing to do is move on. (and remember, he's going absolutely nowhere with his life).
  9. that's true...and if karma follows me like I think it trying to set him up would probably end up with me setting up 4 instead on the intioned one... I still will try though, if he calls back.....
  10. fucked up again corey and trevor
  11. Just lead him on a bit, i.e act overly naive, like Oh god I dont want this on my record, and tell them you're dying to get this paid, have a group of friends at your place when he/they show up.
    mind you though, these kinds of guys aren't dumb, and will be careful about being setup themselves, however if you act dumb he might get so cocky he lets his guard down.
    Personally I'd beat the living snot out of him. People all say ooh leave it to karma, or oh dont worry he'll get whats coming.
    but in my experience, that's never
  12. So you guys smoked and he did all of this after?
  13. sorry to hear about this happening to you ...

    this happend in the uk a few years back by organised pro scammers , they would drive into a town /city ,dressed normal and ask around after coke etc once they knew where the dealers where at they would put suits on and grab the fake police id's then go take all there gear , .......hopefully they ended up fucking with the wrong people and got shot or something lol
  14. good ideas on how to scam weed hehe
  15. yah, but that barely alerted me because I wasnt completely sure if they could do that as an informant or not, but I I thought they could.

    I talked to someone from back in my home town about it, and his friend was actually busted by an informant that did smoke with him..

    fuck informants for weed....whhhaaat the fuuuuuk. coke.....crystal meth/ice.... way different story, that shit can ruin a dumb users life... pot doesn't make people failures...failures just like pot..

    I'm still waiting on that priv call guys. Another thing I'm worried about is he knows I have phat system in my truck and knows where I live too. I have an alarm system, but that doesn't stop people who know what they're doing anyways......

    I also believe that he might not be interested in the money at all but more of a way to keep me from thinking it was actually ffakke...
  16. That's some shit luck man, I can understand why you were freaked, but as soon as someone starts playing that kind of game you just have to get yourself clear headed and confident, think things through.

    As far as I'm aware, extortion is blackmail. The X just makes it sound cool :p
  17. yeah if he wouldnt of said extortion I probably still would be flipping shit right now...
  18. +rep for tough shit

    Live and learn my friend, gotta turn the bullshit detectors on high when dealing with weed people. And get back at his ass
  19. Sorry, but dude straight played you. Watch who you invite over to your crib... sorry about your loss but this was 100% preventable.
  20. I'm one of them 6'5" 275lbs redneck biker lookin types. (Shaved head,long beard, both arms sleeved.) Wish I was in your neck of the woods. We could go meet ole mister rat and swat him around for awile. I detest people like him. Scum sucking rodent. Like a seagull flying around looking for scraps. My best advice would be to chalk it up to the game. Learn something from it and it becomes a lesson instead of a mistake. IMO Much Love.

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