ya last night. sucked ass. went out to the convenience store last night after getting completely stoned last night. I lit up what I had left of a roach before I walked to my car (mind you is across the street) 3 guys walked up and said 'give that to me' I was SO high, I just gave in; because I can't fight after getting COMPLETELY greened, but he took my iPod, 45$ in cash, my hoodie and what I had left of whatever bud I had. (bought a quarter at the beginning of the night, and only had about 3 or 4g's left. it wasn't a lot but it still sucks. what a great way to end off 2012, getting fuckin' robbed. :'(
Oh yeah I remember yo punk ass hahaha....like takin candy from a baby, thanks for the smoke homie Ahahahaha!
Best way to handle it. You never know when someone is gonna pull a gun, and none of that shit is worth your life.
hope 2013 brings you only happiness and luck. You reacted the correct way OP. No need to be a hero over 60 dollars worth, that and u are completely high. remember their faces and catch them slipping in '13
It's all fun & games until it happens to someone you love. God help the SOB that tries that at my house, again. Happy New Year, everyone
Honestly you handled it the right way. I just get too angry when someone tries that shit i just can't help but jumpin on em