So you might have read my thread in here about almost having to put down my dog on my birthday(I opted for the risky surgery and it paid off), but I've a crazy misfortune of events happen on my birthday this year. Later in the night I pick up this girl to go out to dinner. I'm waiting outside her house in my car and out of nowhere this car rear-ends me at full speed 30ish mph. I honestly didn't feel too much but there was considerable damage to both of our vehicles. (I'd say $1,500-2k to mine) So I get out almost immediately (I'm blazed I just smoked before picking her up) and am not rude at all just like look at him and he asks if I was ok. I tell him yeah I'm fine but my car's kind of fucked, and he says something like chill out and I was just like wtf I'm chill but you just rear-ended me. So he gets out, by this time the girl I was meeting has come out and saw this all happen in front of her door. She just stands with me the whole time cause she's really chill. He asks if I can handle this without law enforcement and this tipped me off that he had been drinking, then I asked him is that why and he said yes (you could tell he was just decent at holding it together, he was really drunk). So I'm not trying to ruin his life with a DUI (even though he could have killed or done much worse damage to someone else or myself). I got his info and took pictures of everything and all documentation. I will be calling him in the morning to see if even remembers but either way I've got all his information and will be reporting it to police if he gives any ounce of grief. Just wanted to see if any of you have similar stories. BTW, the girl and i still went out to dinner and had an awesome time. I guess if you're around people who make you happy the crappy parts of your day kind of go away.
I understand not wanting to get the cops involved. usually my policy is to keep cops out of my life whenever possible. But with an accident like this, i would have probably called the cops just to cover my own ass. I got rear ended at a red light at 3 in the morning about 5 years ago. The guy came flying up on me, and if I hadn't try to move out of the way the damage would have been a lot worse. Either way, my car got about 2 grand in damages but was still driveable. The other guys car was fucked up. His front bumper went underneath my rear bumper, his engine was smoking all crazy, and the car wouldn't start. This guy tried to get me not to call the cops. But my ex gf was in the car with me, she had a little bump on her head and I had a little gash on my arm. The guy was drinking, he got a DUI. I felt bad about calling the cops, but it was something I had to do. And I'm glad I did, because afterwords in court he tried to fight it/give a different report of the events. I didn't care about him getting in trouble, I didn't want to get him in trouble. But in that situation I was going to cover my ass first, and not his.
as long as it wasnt a fake name or number then id say your good. was a nice thing to do if all ends up working out. edit- quick fucking edit, now that i think of it though fuck people who drive drunk. he better be giving you a good amount of extra money for not calling the cops
id called on his ass he knew he fucked up fucked up big not like its a small 10mph bump 2k is a decent amount of dmg fool
[quote name='"ILLOGIK"']I understand not wanting to get the cops involved. usually my policy is to keep cops out of my life whenever possible. But with an accident like this, i would have probably called the cops just to cover my own ass. I got rear ended at a red light at 3 in the morning about 5 years ago. The guy came flying up on me, and if I hadn't try to move out of the way the damage would have been a lot worse. Either way, my car got about 2 grand in damages but was still driveable. The other guys car was fucked up. His front bumper went underneath my rear bumper, his engine was smoking all crazy, and the car wouldn't start. This guy tried to get me not to call the cops. But my ex gf was in the car with me, she had a little bump on her head and I had a little gash on my arm. The guy was drinking, he got a DUI. I felt bad about calling the cops, but it was something I had to do. And I'm glad I did, because afterwords in court he tried to fight it/give a different report of the events. I didn't care about him getting in trouble, I didn't want to get him in trouble. But in that situation I was going to cover my ass first, and not his.[/quote] You felt bad that he was drinking, hit you, and got a dui? Strong logic... Why show sympathy to people who can't stay home when consuming alcohol. I would have been thrilled to give an asshole a DUI. Especially if he hit me. But i guess others are more forgiving when someone is on the roads, endangering your friends and family.
I like the logic you used in handling the situation OP. Non-Violent calm and resonable. (and for the record how you went about it). You're the victim, some victims don't feel the need to seek justice due to the gravity of the situation. (it may be minor etc.) But I'm glad you did/are. Do unto others as others do unto you. (obviously to a degree, keeping that logical rationale intact). But yeah by filing a justified, factual report/claim/complaint-action , you've done the public some good...I'd agrue for the privitization of highwaysb here ala Libertarian Walter Block again but. I think the principles of morality do it suffciently enough, If not look up Prof. Block and His anarcho-capitalist teachings.
Good shit man, I'm sure the guy fucked up, and is quite thankful. You probably saved him some deep shit, although he did fuck up in the first place. You got some good karma coming to you man!
You shoulda called the police. Not because he was drinking, but so they could have at least checked you out and any injuries related would be fully covered. It would also look better to have a police report filed on the incident if you go to court for any reason.
I had no injuries and honestly hardly felt the impact. I'm feeling normal this morning so I don't think I have anything to worry about. I have spoken to him over the phone 4-5 times today. I've since gotten the estimate ($3-4000) and have gotten a rental that he is paying for. I know the way I went about it is risky but I just didn't want to deal with the police, insurance, or put the guy in jail. Of course I've had second thoughts but I have to live with the choice I made at the time. I do put a lot of faith in people and so far he's answered every call and told me he will come up to the collision center and pay with a card when it's ready in a few days. Otherwise I have all his information and it will be taken to court. Plus side is if his insurance would have done the estimate it would have taken even longer, estimate would be much lower since they often use used/refurbished parts when they can. Also this way I might be able to get the lift or tires I've been wanting. Thanks for the replies guys.
Good to hear there were no injuries. I got into a car accident on my way home from work one time. The guy was really drunk, and I had no problem calling the police. The way I look at it, I could have possibly saved someones life by getting him off the road.
Because I'm a strong enough person to have sympothy for some one even when they do something wrong. I felt bad because of the bullshit and nonsense he was going to have to go through because of the DUI. Just because he was doing wrong doesn't mean I want the government to fuck him over, make him pay thousands of dollars in fines, install a breathalizer in his car, pay for that, etc. The driver wasn't smashed, he wasn't stumbling drunk. He was tipsy. So because of that I felt bad he got a DUI. I've commited crimes in the past, and gotten caught, but got off because people didn't want to press charges, didn't want to cooperate with the police.
I view it the same way man. I do look back and think that it would have been a smarter thing to do. I just hope what I did was the right thing and he cuts this behavior out of his life. I know if I was having to spend $4-5000 out of pocket I'd learn my lesson quick. I do the see the potential flaws in my decision though.
Problem is if the guy decides to be a dick you are going to have a hard time getting insurance to do anything since you didn't call the police right away. Not saying you might not get lucky and have things still work out but any insurance company is going to say, "Prove it" just so they can get out of paying up. I learned this lesson the hard way years ago when I got rear ended by a semi. Dude played cool the same way as yours but when it was time to pay up he basically ditched me and I ended up fucked with nothing I could do about it.
I'd call the cops immediately, driving while intoxicated is under no circumstances tolerated. What if next time he kills someone because he was not punished for the first time? I have no sympathy for people who drive totally fucked up. Now you will have a hard time proving he even hit you yet alone was drunk because you didn't call the cops to file a report and have proof.
Did you guys read the op's post where he said he was stoned? Drinking and/or smoking while driving still gets you a dui. Maybe op didnt want to be a hypocrit as most of you are coming off as. Im not condoning driving while intoxicated, just siding with the Op's decision since wasnt a totally innapropriate way of handling things.
why is it that you wouldnt call the cops seeing as he was drunk and deserved it? im not saying you did wrong, because i probably would have done the same thing, but sometimes i put others in front of myself like in the op and i can see that getting me in big shit one day...ironically
OP was stoned, but he didn't smash his car into someone else's doing 30mph. @OP; I would have called cops, high as fuck or not, driving drunk is a hell of a lot worst. you cant even fucking see when your drunk, i see better when i'm high. He shouldn't be that asshole driving drunk and get away with it, and i hope he doesn't Fuck you with the insurance OP. glad he didnt hit you in a spot that could have hurt you OP, good luck getting that bullshit fixed. Gotta hate being in the wrong spot at the wrong time lol
[quote name='"Jumbo"'] OP was stoned, but he didn't smash his car into someone else's doing 30mph. @OP; I would have called cops, high as fuck or not, driving drunk is a hell of a lot worst. you cant even fucking see when your drunk, i see better when i'm high. He shouldn't be that asshole driving drunk and get away with it, and i hope he doesn't Fuck you with the insurance OP. glad he didnt hit you in a spot that could have hurt you OP, good luck getting that bullshit fixed. Gotta hate being in the wrong spot at the wrong time lol [/quote] You miss my point. Whether he smashed someone or not he still was intoxicated behind the wheel. Im not getting into the arguement of which is safer. it would have been very hypocritical of him to call the police and also risk a dui himself.