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got new weed.. guy said...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by rayzon, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. it is grand daddy purple... this any good? cost me 100$ for a quarter
  2. well it smells different not piney... it smells like sour grapes ... kinda odd smell
  3. Smoke it, you'll find out if it's good or not.
  4. Hit a few bowls or roll a joint and smoke it, if you've smoked yourself stupid it was good shit.
  5. No, you should have gotten Mexican brickweed instead man what were you thinking??
  6. i smoked two bowls ... started laughing histerically... two mormon girls came up to my house... then we walked around the block for some reason while i was laughing at their religion , they were hot though would mormons be up for smoking and fukin you think???
  7. Great deal for a quarter of GDP
  8. Nope.
  9. i really like it ive never smelled weed like this before but for some reason it makes my mouth water.
  10. i can take with my cellphone... im new with this site how would i do it?

  11. good cannabis will do that.
  12. upload it to photobucket, mad easy, then click the img link and it auto-copies and paste it into a post
  13. Good weed gets me droolin too, bruh :smoke: its just more evidence that it is legit!
  14. ok i took two pics... ill try and get it on my comp now

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