Got My first Vaporizer!

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by weedXweedX, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Hello GC! i got my first vape and its the mflb! i also got a new 4 piece grinder to go along with it! I accidently broke the glass straw part to it though:( any advice on how to go without making too much of a smell? I really like the high i get from it but it seems to make the whole house reek of weed when i use it. I bought it for stealth as the number one reason and it dosent seem to work very well. any help appreciated:hello:!
  2. This is why I feel some people are mislead by the "no smell" bit.

    Cannabis smells. Heating cannabis smells a lot. If it didn't smell it wouldn't be working very well.

    Take smaller hits and ghost them, vapor will also dissipate much faster than smoke, but it will never not smell at all.

    Exhale through a window, and put a towel under the door, and a sploof always helps.
  3. grats on your new purchase, the mflb is great, very nice and portable, the high is awesome. I for some reason cant smell the cannabis when vaped, probably cuz of vaping and smoking of course.

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