Got my car stolen 2 day into a family trip to NYC..........FUCK!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Rochelimit, May 27, 2009.

  1. glad you got your car back man. or found where you parked haha...

    on a somewhat relevant note, this shit reminded me of those decoy cars the police use to catch people...anyone seen this on tv? its fucking hilarious when they think they stole a car and the car just shuts off haha
  2. yeah i have seen that shit. funny as hell. Thanks Blades for all your support!!! It's great to have folks tol laugh at stuff like this with....
  3. hahahahhaha GG :D:smoking:
    least u found it
  4. lol, its an honest mistake, could happen to anyone.

    If you were a friend or brother or something, id give you shit for a LONG time though. lol.

    least your car is in the condition you left it in.


    What if you were right all along. What if some prick stole your car and went joyriding. He probly smoked a blunt while joy riding, and forgot where you were parked, and put it back in the wrong spot.

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