that's stupid dude you should've told that guy to fuck off and just stared him right in the eyes saying do it. that pussy isn't about to shoot someone in the face for 28 grams of some pot maximum worth of 350$ and do life.
but what if he DOES shoot? is your life really world 28 grams of some pot maximum worth of 350$??? it's not for me. i wouldn't call it being a pussy handing over the money/weed with a gun to my face, i would call it being smart. no amount of money is worth your life
yeah man. I got jacked like a month ago for a o as well. haha dumb ass kids... they prolly could have got me at least for a qp. well lesson learned man! just bounce back even harder
but this is just another example of why cannabis needs to be legalized. good to hear you're alright OP.
Guaranteed 420prospect would cry like a bitch and give them whatever they wanted if a gun was pointed at him.
Yeah man I've had a gun put to my head while I was sitting in my car getting ready to walk in blockbuster. It was just some random dude who I guess saw me counting my money. But for the people who say "tell em to do it" obviously haven't had a gun held against their head or I'm a pussy. I know there are people who would pull the trigger for probably less. I live near the shithole huntington, wv and you hear about people getting shot all the time. We've been lucky enough to get infested with the drug traffickers from Detroit and Florida.
i guess it depends on the ops location. i probably say this because were i'm located, i would laugh my ass off at the guy and ask how many hours he had traveled to the city to get that, hours back, the cost of the gun, for this OZ that cost 350$, good job bro you made probably 10 dollar profit, and if you shoot me you going to prison. plus i'm okay with dieing, do you think i want to be alive lol.. bad situation.. not one to kill my self but hey if i get shot i'm not gonna bitch about it, put my problems to rest.
Its a big risk, but you'd feel like such a badass if he he didn't shoot. Then you'd realized what could've gone wrong but fuck it you're already badass at that point.
I've known of people getting terminated for less easily down here. Life and death is hit or miss so lets try to put the odds in our favor by not developing a hero complex over an oz Mmk?
all depends were your at, everybody up here is to pussy to pull that kind of shit, wayyyyy to pussy to even pull the trigger. But if you drive two hours east, you are gonna get shot all day cause you will be in NYC and *****s don't care there. besides a few weeks ago a dude around here was murdered right in his house and the police took that shit insanely serious and had top dog investigations because it was the first murder around here in a coons age, so right now people wont even say "i'll kill you" let alone put a gun to your fucking head for a ounce.
People have been killed for much less. If he is crazy enough to put a gun in your face he may be crazy enough to pull it.
too fuckin true. if someone pulled a gun on me i feel like i wouldnt even react at this point. fuck it. i might even start yelling at him.
Lol I've had a gun to my face trying to buy a GRAM. Legitimately, had a partner who patted us down, took my phone and that's it. Didn't take my keys lol.
[quote name='"420Prospect"'] i guess it depends on the ops location. i probably say this because were i'm located, i would laugh my ass off at the guy and ask how many hours he had traveled to the city to get that, hours back, the cost of the gun, for this OZ that cost 350$, good job bro you made probably 10 dollar profit, and if you shoot me you going to prison. plus i'm okay with dieing, do you think i want to be alive lol.. bad situation.. not one to kill my self but hey if i get shot i'm not gonna bitch about it, put my problems to rest. [/quote] Lol dude if someone has a gun to your face, they probably didn't buy it specifically just to rob you. No offense man but you would definitely not do any of what you said
Yea lol. If he had a gun, chances are he uses it on more that just 1 person. He probably robs plenty of people so the dude's already fucking crazy xD