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Got hit by a car today

Discussion in 'General' started by e_to_the_x, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. So today I was riding my bike up to my local head shop becuase my car isn't working and on the way back I was riding and I was on the sidewalk of a busy road. There was a side street that connected with this busy road and a guy stopped in the middle of making a turn. I assumed it was to let me go so I waved and rode by him but as I pulled out in front of his car he accelerated and made me fly off of my bike into the pavement. I yelled some select words at him, but he pulled into a parking lot nearby and apologized and offered to take me to the hospital if I broke any bones or anything. The man was very nice who hit me, so I didn't take his liscense plate # or give him a hard time. Thankfully I was stoned when I was riding so it didn't hurt too much but now that the weed has worn down my legs ache a little bit. However I'm about to break in this new steam roller I just bought with some home made hash oil so that should be nice. I am just thankful that my body is fine,a lthough my bike did get fucked up.

    On the plus side, I stopped for a cup of coffee at our local campus coffee house and met this cool girl from one of my philosophy classes, and we talked for like 2 hours. Got her number and stuff so that we could smoke sometime so that is very cool, one positive way of looking at this whole series of events
  2. Man, that sucks. At least you didnt break your new steamroller when you fell too
  3. You should've gotten his number or something or gotten cash on the spot if he fucked your bike up
  4. When i was 15 i got hit by a pickup. The dude was a total dick so i got his plate # and i got $1000. I coulda got more but my parents were fucking idiots and didn't get a lawyer :mad::mad:
  5. dude couple people i know that got hit buy a car got money on the spot or money in a lawsuit after

    dude should have offered to give you bills, or you should of askied for money or taken his liscene plate.

    hey offered to drive you? im sorry but fuck that. it a serious incident hitting a pedestrian dude!!! very very serious. you could of gotten the bricks which means new heady weed and new heady piece, new heady hooker
  6. that sucks you got hit but sounds like he was a nice guy. and it was cool of you not to be a dick and try to screw him over for an honest mistake. plus when you talk to that girl again you will have a good story to tell her.
  7. Yeah but idk, something inside of me says its immoral to take advantage of someone like that. I realize he hit me, but he was genuine in making an effort to help me out. Now if he were a dick to me I would have had no problem being an asshole and taking his cash. However this man tried to help me so I figured since I'm not really hurt no reason to heckle him. idk I'm not a man whose big on revenge, I see revenge as a rather poor form of justice.
  8. America makes no sense to me. Why should the driver pay someone he hits if it was an accident and he didn't get hurt? What are those money replacing? What value has the driver taken from him that he needs compensation for? I'm genuinely curious to know the answer to those questions.
  9. wow you must be a real nice guy.

    i always walk thru cross walks and shit hoping to get hit.
  10. Well obviously every case will be different, but he did say he messed up his bike. So i would defintely ask for money to replace the bike, but thats all.
  11. You definatley should have gotten his plate number. Who cares how "nice" he is.
    Hes obviously a hazard to pedestrians.

    The next person he hits might not be as fortunate as you.

  12. That's good to hear man. Wish there was more people like you. I've been fucked over a couple times in car accidents that weren't my fault and the assholes lied to the cops. The last time it happened, someone close to me wanted me to lie about being injured. I said no way. It's all about principle and doing what's right. The chick must've been the good karma coming your way.
  13. I respect that.

  14. I got hit by a car on my motorcycle, smashed up my foot, wrecked my bike, and a year and a half later I got $20k from the settlement :D It was a company truck and their insurance paid for it, plus the cocksucker was making jokes about me while I was lying broken in the street and later tried to say I hit him (yeah, the SIDE of my bike ran into the FRONT of his truck, nice one).

  15. fuck me. its not immoral to take advantage of that!! shit i keep waiting for my opportunity to take advantage of a situation like that, lol. i would have been like, oh shit my back my leg my neck i need 500$ or call your insurance. lol. i have had my car run into in parking lots and stuff and people are very quick to just offer cash. probably dont have insurance and dont want the cops involved cuz you know how that would go.. lol.
  16. #17 zpyro, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009
    it's because a few hundred dollars out of pocket is better than a few hundred dollars out of pocket AND their insurance raising their rates. rather just pay for the cheap repair and it be about the same as the insurance deductible. cops aren't generally involved unless there's significant damage or injuries.
  17. Maybe I did the right thing. I just looked on the ground and found a random dimebag, no joke lol! And it's the good stuff, I think I accidentally lost this a while ago then forgot about it until now haha

  18. and a few hundred dollars is better than gettin your shit towed for no insurance. always nice to get an extra payday and dude you got hit on your bike its not like you are ripping him off. he should pay better attention. people get killed that way. AND he fucked up your bike. what a douche. he was only so nice cuz he knew you could have gotten him jacked up. at least you werent hurt badly. :) now, go get high!
  19. I've never been dumb enough to drive w/o insurance, so I wouldn't know [​IMG]

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