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Got gnats

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by MamaBud, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. How do you errated gnats. Can gnats cuz leaves to yellow?
  2. dont think so they are little fuckers though just get a lizard or somthing in there lol.....they make sticky tape and bug bombs some safe for veg growth wouldnt recommend any kind of bomb if ur in flower just use stiky traps its not that serious aslong as its not outta control only couple flying around right?
  3. [quote name='"MamaBud"']How do you errated gnats. Can gnats cuz leaves to yellow?[/quote]

    I just had this problem. I have a neem oil concentrate that I got from a feed store. Dilute as directed and spray the entire inside, including the plants. Then, I added 7.5 ml of the undiluted directly in the res (mine is 5 gallon res.) Let it run 24 hrs. Then change entire res. Clean well. Spray roots off.

    *only spray when lights out.
  4. seems extensive for gnats man offense maybe if it were spider mites i get gnats flying around all the time and they bother me more than the plants maybe u guys have a different kind of gnat than i do
  5. Hey, hey, hey now :) blew my mind up there for sure. Are you saying you dumped neem oil concentrate in your water system??? Did it emulsify for you, or did you have to add something to bind with it?
  6. safer makes a yellow sticky trap that got rid of my gnats, but yea they don't bother the plant. unless you have fungus gnats.
  7. #7 zoomme, Nov 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2011
    [quote name='"Thevenusflytrap"']seems extensive for gnats man offense maybe if it were spider mites i get gnats flying around all the time and they bother me more than the plants maybe u guys have a different kind of gnat than i do[/quote]

    Well here is the kicker part with gnats. The larvae are living in your res and feeding off your roots. So, do what you wish but I killed those fkers!!

    *Oh, the actual gnats themselves cause no harm to the plants. The maggots (larvae) damage the root system.
  8. [quote name='"bhp70"']

    Hey, hey, hey now :) blew my mind up there for sure. Are you saying you dumped neem oil concentrate in your water system??? Did it emulsify for you, or did you have to add something to bind with it?[/quote]

    This is what I used. It actually sat on the top of the water but I mixed it and the bubbles kept it mixed fairly well. It killed em.

  9. well good shit good to hear new info
  10. [quote name='"Thevenusflytrap"']well good shit good to hear new info[/quote]

    It has a citrus smell. Not like the pure neem that smells like some horrible garlic.
  11. #11 bhp70, Nov 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2011
    LOL, dude I love the smell of neem...I actually huff my box of granulated for soil grows...maybe that's what's wrong with me.

    Makes sense on the floating factor too...I weren't thinkin about it all quite so smart as you. I mix it with Pro-Tekt (I just use the Dyna-Gro stuff) to help emulsify for foliar spraying, but if it's a root drench ur after that wouldn't be necessary, duh.
  12. [quote name='"bhp70"']LOL, dude I love the smell of neem...I actually huff my box of granulated for soil grows...maybe that's what's wrong with me.

    Makes sense on the floating factor too...I weren't thinkin about it all quite so smart as you. I mix it with Pro-Tekt (I just use the Dyna-Gro stuff) to help emulsify for foliar spraying, but if it's a root drench ur after that wouldn't be necessary, duh.[/quote]

    It'll work. I just made sure I changed out and cleaned everything after 24 hrs. Check my journal. My bitches are bad as hell!!!
  13. I had gnats and gnat larvae all through my last grow and it didn't harm anything at all.

    Roots were white as could be. And likewise the plants thrived.

    Not saying this was due to the gnats. Just saying they didn't hurt my grow
  14. [quote name='"VB_Toker"']I had gnats and gnat larvae all through my last grow and it didn't harm anything at all.

    Roots were white as could be. And likewise the plants thrived.

    Not saying this was due to the gnats. Just saying they didn't hurt my grow[/quote]

    Here's my thing... Maybe your grow was successful by your standards but could of been fkn EPIC with the best of conditions. I get a problem, I have to fix it but thats me. My own ocd about my girls.
  15. [quote name='"zoomme"']

    Here's my thing... Maybe your grow was successful by your standards but could of been fkn EPIC with the best of conditions. I get a problem, I have to fix it but thats me. My own ocd about my girls.[/quote]

    I get exactly what your saying. But this past grow was just Idk like on cruise control you know??

    Hard to explain
  16. [quote name='"VB_Toker"']

    I get exactly what your saying. But this past grow was just Idk like on cruise control you know??

    Hard to explain[/quote]

    Naw, I'm cool with it if you are. I was just offering a cure to a problem.
  17. i had gnats so i soaked cigar tobacco in water then sprayed plants and gnats directly i dont have gnats anymore or houseflys either lol
  18. [quote name='"bongboi"']i had gnats so i soaked cigar tobacco in water then sprayed plants and gnats directly i dont have gnats anymore or houseflys either lol[/quote]

    Aren't you worried about the Tobacco Mossaic thing?

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