got caught thread- read if ur into this, feedback appreciated

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by jdm_420, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Background info: I'm 20 years old, gratuated high school, graduated from a tech school, and working full-time , icurrently am in a lil debt, nothing big iam paying back well enough I'm not broke all the time, I've had my good share of getting in trouble and doing stupid shit but otherwise I consider myself a good person.
    Anyways my folks had a room built out in the back yard attached to the house (but no acces to room from inside house and vise versa, anyways i blaze their daily ,leave my bong and shit out and no prob.
    Well my dad goes in while I'm at work and sees the bong and whatnot, I come home from work and he tells me what he saw in my room, now I have a medical card but since unfortunatly both my folks are really agaist the herb so I don't. Tell them I smoke.
    I used this opportunity to try to explain to them its now not as bad as they thing, its getting more legal, and I got a doctors recommendation for a medical card, but their so fukin hardheaded they don't lisin, they have it engraved in their heads that marijuana is "bad","addictive"" and destroy my life", I told them ihad done well (not extrodinary) with my life so far, I'm not a fuck up, or asking people for $, or out inthe streets 24/7, I work,I studied, I think I deserve to smoke!
    But anyeays "their house, their rules", I told em I can dig that. But I still gonna blaze, but just not inmy room for a while! Just though I'd post one,
  2. That sucks dude at least they didn't over react like some parents do I'm glad mine at least let me smoke out back and in th garage occassionally but I really only use my vaporizer in my room.
  3. My parents are just like that, no way to convice idiots.
  4. damn that sucks dude. at least they didnt kick you out. just lay low for a while then you can go back to smoking in your room daily:smoking:
  5. I just recently started smoking again (I smoked with friends whenever possible in middle school, but quit once I moved to my dad's, started back in December), and pretty quickly built up a nice pipe collection. I was keeping all my paraphernalia (a small bubbler, a keychain pipe, 2 bullets, a grinder, 2 baggies of screens, a long Shakespeare glass piece) along with my Djarum Blacks and cigs, as my grandparents are hardcore anti-smoking of any sort, in one of those little hide-away drawers that a lot of chest-of-drawers have. It was ok for several weeks, and my grandparents (who I recently was forced to move back in with after my health made me quit college) weren't suspicious in the least that I was toking nightly here in my room. Well, my grandma ended up finding the stash. I was lucky that she didn't notice the nugget I had in there, or the 7 cigarillos which I know they would have assumed were joints. In a rather funny twist, they pretty easily bought the "I'm keeping them for a friend" excuse, cliché though it may be. So I didn't get busted for smoking, but my glasswares and such got destroyed. All I managed to save was the nugget, screens, cigarillos, and the bigger pieces which I keep under my bed. Sadly, they also got my butane lighter. In an odd twist, that was the most expensive and hardest to replace.
  6. thats why i always hide my shit. u never know whoose nosing about.:hide:
  7. Bro this is your time to do some research and show them what you have found. There are hella websites about the theraputic effects of weed and most the positives outwheigh the negatives. Get some hard factual evidence from sources that end it .gov . those are way more convincing.Tell them they do drugs every night when they sleep. DMT is released from the pineal gland and it is a drug. Also just be like fools TV is a form of mind control, it is a mind altering substance just like weed u hippocrits!
  8. Finding a bong is always better than finding a needle.
  9. Yea, that's why my mom lets me toke. She'd rather me be a stoner than a pill popper or acid fiend or something. She also instantly noticed how much it helps a lot of my health problems.
  10. Don't think about it.. your smoking weed, you didn't do anything wrong so don't act like you did. There pissed because your having fun and your not. They will eventually accept that you smoke and they won't care. You worked for it right? So tell them, 'It's not like i'm out smoking crack, it's just marijuana. I payed for it with my own money. Cigarettes are worse and there legal'
  11. That's what imma do imm try to educate them more, the hardest part is my parents can't really read, write, or talk english very well, I also did use facts but they just think that their absolutly right, bottom line, ialso asked them to to tell me ways that's they think marijuana can negativly effect me, of course they couldent come up wit no reason other that" ull ruin ur life/its a gateway drug", I told them it reallyisnt, if anything beer and cigarettes would b the gateways drug cuz I did thoses 2 first before tried herb,
    At least they didn't break my bong ;)
  12. Yea, my mom is becoming more and more receptive to my smoking. Before, she was 100% against it. Now, she's only against me smoking while I'm jobhunting, but is joining me in advocating legalisation.
  13. sorry to hear that that isnt cool at all.
  14. could have been worse.

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