Got caught... need advice

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by CannabisUser, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I've been smoking for awhile now, and my parents finally caught me today. I wish I can say they are cool with it, but they aren't. They threatened to call the cops if I don't stop. They think marijuana is so dangerous because it "kills" and its illegal. I tried to tell them everything good about marijuana, but they just won't listen. There is no way I can I say I'm still going to smoke or else they would tell my principal or the police. If that happen. They're going to put me into rehab/boot camp which I don't ever plan on. I can't even get away from them. I'm a high school senior and can't find a job so I can't even move out. The only good thing I see out of this is that it convinced me to go to college and work hard so I can get a decent job, and finally get away from them.

    I'm going to tell them I will stop, but I probably won't. Now I'm scared they are going to search my room one day when I'm not home, and find my box where I put all of my stash and other items pertaining to weed. I don't really know what to do. I didn't worry about getting caught as much before, but I feared the consequences if they found out again. I really need some input from someone who've been through what I'm currently in right now.

    To anyone who read this, thank you for your time.
  2. i was caught like that before. grounded for a long time. both my parents disapprove of it and think its the worst thing in the world. i just stopped for a while and at this time they had all my shit. so i like kinda earned their trust again and then i started doing it again. but i didnt buy again for a while or even bring it near my house b/c i was afraid of the consequences (my mom threatened calling the police). eventually i smoked in my house all the time and kept weed there a lot too. you just have to have great hiding spots. and be really careful.
  3. i hate to say it but your gonna have to stop smoking, at least for now until your parents kinda get off of your back. smoking a little weed during high school isnt worth your parents hating you, not paying for you college, etc. Do you have a car? 'Cause if you do, smoking in your car could be an option. Sounds to me like your parents really dont want weed in their house and you should try your best to oblige. they pay the bills so its their rules, no way around that.
  4. i got caught for the first time when i was 16 years old, in 10th grade. while i was at school my mom was snoopin' and found a glass piece that wasn't even mine and freaked out. after that i was pretty cautious about smoking and coming home high.. about a year and a half later she caught me smoking in my room, then a few months later she caught me again and actually called the police. they came here and i was getting ready to leave so they searched my shit and found the "bukket" and took it and i got a drug para. charge. now im 18 and she knows i still smoke but she knows that its out of her hands so as long as im not smoking in the house (which im doing now) she doesn't really have a problem with it. good luck
  5. Throw all of your shit out man. Everything that could relate to weed. The history on your computer, the works. You only have one year with them at most, so just get through it and then you can loosen up in college. Thats what I did. Your parents sound like hardasses, so do not mess around with that.
  6. wow ive been there. I was actually kicked out for smoking in my dads house at that age, but now hes cool with it. im 20 now, and we actually look back and joke about weed n stuff. I think parents just worry because they dont want you to fall into "the darkside" of society. I'd say make really good grades and bring them home while your high as a kite and just show them that blazing and being productive go hand in hand. good luck
  7. yeah man shits weak i know exactly how that is. Im a freshman in college now and let me tell you i am enjoying the hell out of being away from my parents. I was in your shoes last year and take my advise and GO TO COLLEGE! all of my friends were pot heads too and NONE went to college, now they are still sitting around broke. Im still broke too but hey im getting high and drunk almost everyday with new friends and honestly it will put you in a much better place then if you were to not go (plus you get 4 years of fun and delaying "real life" while being away from the terribleeee grip of straight-edge-no-weed parents) hang in there man get your shit together and get out of that house and move into a dorm with a bunch of kidsss its fuckin sick. just gotta get your school shit done first! dont want to be failing out
  8. Explain to them that drugs are a part of our everyday American lives. Explain how everyone is drinking alcohol and then drinking and driving afterwards, how marijuana doesn't nearly as much impair your judgement and is not nearly intoxicating. Alcohol is a toxic poison. Just tell them how bad alcohol is and how it's legal and then show why you prefer to use marijuana. Marijuana is harmless and is a much better alternative to alcohol for social drug use, it also has medical benefits which maybe you could explain why it is the best choice for you to get your benefits without being hooked to prescription pills.
  9. Honestly, fighting them or trying to convince them that pot is fine probably wont get you anywhere. I am a senior in high school, and while ive never been caught with pot I have been in trouble with the police (I was 16). I found that you will regain your parents' trust much quicker if you admit that you were wrong and just submit to their punishments. That way, they still feel like they have authority over you and also they will see that a true change has taken place and they have talked sense into you. Also, if you just confess and take the punishment they will look at you as a much more mature person. That alone would be enough to regain their trust.
  10. Talk to your parents and explain about the benefits of weed to you. let them explain their side and respect their rules by not smoking in the house and not coming home high. Go to a friend's house, toke up, stay there and come off your high, and go home. but when u sit down and talk to your parents they respect YOU more even if they dont respect your decisions. I had this same talk with my Dad a couple months ago after he had a cop with a dog search my car. Dont let it come to that before you speak up.
  11. #11 See Emily Play, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    Hey man, I was in the exact same situation when my parents found weed in my room when I was 16.

    Firstly, stop defending weed. I did the exact same thing when I got caught, and it didn't end well. My friends actually laughed at my stupidity, and I now see why. You're not gonna change their minds about marijuana, no matter how hard you try. Whatever they say, no matter how ill-informed, don't defend it anymore.

    My mum called my principal and told him that she found weed, so he kept an eye on me at school, which was absolutely shitty because that's where I got stoned most of the time. The principal also told my mom about "the known marijuana smokers", and many of them were my friends. So that was pretty fucked up. But because you didn't get smoking at school, they can't do anything except keep an eye out for you and inform your parents if they suspect you're stoned.

    It would be smart of you to stop smoking weed, for at least two weeks, because your parents are going to be watching you like a hawk. When they loosen up (and eventually, they will), you can go back to smoking, just start again slowly to test the waters to see if they notice.

    It's very, very likely (if not definite) that your parents will search your room, if they haven't already. Get rid of any weed, bongs, pipes, rolling paper and eye drops. I even got rid of my Bob Marley poster because I knew my parents would misconstrue it and claim I was idolizing and glamorizing weed - But it's up to you how far you wanna take it; maybe I got a bit paranoid and took it too far.

    It's pretty painful to get rid of all your stuff, so if you have a really good hiding place, go for it. The bottom shelf of my cupboard is loose, so it can be lifted up and everything can be stored in there. It's dead foolproof because none of the other cupboards in the house are loose, so my parents wouldn't even think to try it. Unless you're 100% sure your parents will never find it, rather give your stuff to a friend.

    Invite old friends over that you know your parents like, make sure your parents catch you doing homework, wash the dishes, don't listen to music that promotes weed use (at least not loudly), and most importantly - make sure your parents know you just wanted to "know how it felt", and you didn't like it and don't want to try it again. Basically manipulate and lie through your teeth until they forget about it:D

    One of my friends told her parents if they send her to rehab, it'll be on her permanent record and she'd never be able to get into college or get a job. God knows if it's true or not, but her parents believed it and she didn't get sent to rehab

    Good luck mate!

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