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Got caught. Help?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by blazernhan, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. #1 blazernhan, Dec 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2011
    Hey gc, so tuesday night i went out to smoke and everything was fine. The next day my aunt asks me have you been smoking, obviously i said no, that night i went to my moms house and my dad told her he found something. I'm guessing a piece of weed fell somewhere and he found it.... he just came home from work and asked me if i've been smoking, i said no, and he said i want the truth, if you dont give me the truth i'll find you a nice place to stay, and then he said he would give me tonight to think about it... i'm guessing he found it that night or wednesday. I was thinking to say on monday i let a friend over to get some homework and it was probably his because he dropped it, but idk if that would work because why would weed pop out of nowhere that day if my friend came over monday? What do you think gc... should i come clean about it or what should i do?:eek:

    -Ive been caught once because they smelled it in the Bathroom
    -Suspended from school cuz i got caught smoking on 4/20
    -Caught by the police smoking at night at the park
  2. Come clean. You've been caught. They might be more relaxed than you think.
  3. He wants the truth. It sounds like he is already aware of your habit. He wants the truth, be an adult and tell the truth. If he talks about it like its a big deal, bring up how he should be happy you are smoking a harmless plant as opposed to the harmful cigarettes he most likely smoked in his time.
  4. If it were me man, I would come clean, but my mom would prefer to have my honesty over my not smoking. If it's truly a friends weed, then tell him the absolute truth, as I would, but then things could go the drug test route. Sounds like a sticky situation, wish I could help more man, but I would say almost come clean!
  5. your fucked:smoke:
  6. I don't know man if you tell em they might freak out and think you a so called druggie and never trust you again lol i don't know but good luck :)
  7. Just come straight. Best thing I ever did when I was in the exact situation with my Dad. I just said yeah. Now I he doesn't mind me doing it so long as Im not smoking cancer sticks
  8. Just be honest and come clean. Lying to your parents face when they're obviously onto something is not only childish but you run the risk of losing their trust big time and then that's going to cause more problems in the long run.
  9. ur fucked. best case scenario you tell them the truth that you have and they go lenient on the punishment. either way i think ur in deep shit so ur pretty much fucked
  10. Just tell them you tried it, and then smoke another bowl when they go to sleep lol
  11. Dude it's gonna suck but you gotta come clean.
  12. Come clean nothing like being truthful with the parents. Might be pretty awkward but you will thank yourself.
  13. You got caught twice before. third time and denying it makes you look like a little bitch boy. man up bro
  14. He already knows dude. He's giving you the chance to come clean and lessen the consequences. I'd take it. And from now on, don't smoke in your dad's/aunt's/mother's house if they're not cool with it.
  15. It'll never be as bad as the first time you got caught (if that was even bad at all), so you might as well just tell the truth, fuck it.
  16. That's what you get for being a criminal :cool:
  17. Stop being a bitch and man up. If you have been caught before lying isn't going to help the situation as they will know you are lying. Your parents are going to think that the weed is turning you into dishonest person.
  18. Lol dude you've already been caught once from your parents and twice from authorities. There is no question he knows that you smoke, just man up.

  19. he really wants to know if you've been smokin so he can share his stash jar with you. Its family bonding type.
  20. Subbed. Update?

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