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Got Caught, but funny story

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sandwichman, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. So smoked a fat bowl of some dank yesterday and about midway through the bowl, we hear a knock, thought it was our buddy coming to smoke w/ us, instead its the campus police. Fuck! well anyway, we told him all we had was the pipe (belongs to a friend) and the weed. Now for the funny part. they took the pipe and weed and set it down on this old shoebox i use to store my shit. they're like is this everything, and i'm like yea, the guy kept threatening to bring dogs in, but i just stuck to my story and i was like c'mon man, that's all we got, it was just a couple g's plus the sweet pipe.

    anyway in my shoeb ox i had my bubbler and other weed shit, a whole bunch of paraphenilia, and the cop put the pipe and weed on top of it, then when they left, they just took the steam roller and weed haaha. my bubbler, 2 bowls, and pipe were left behind haha. unfortunatley now i need to pay back my friend for the pipe.
  2. why do you need to payback your friend for the pipe? Was it your fault the police came?
  3. lucky dude shit like that can get you kicked out, it would've been easier to just walk around with a blunt

  4. its my friends pipe, hes not here this semester, coming back in the fall, hopefully he won't find out about it, and i'll be able to get him the exact same one haha.
  5. Damn bro, lucky lucky lucky.
  6. wow man thats sketchy. i jus go in my car with pitch black windows and watch the campus police drive around the parking lot. THey cnt see me.
  7. you should tell him the truth and good friend would say no big deal.
  8. Its a matter of common curtacy, the person that owned the bowl didnt get caught. When you borrow something even if it is illegal you should always return it in the same if not better condition that you borrowed it in. So buying a new bowl or paying the guy back is just being a good friend.
  9. Agreed. That is very luck though man, suprised they didnt do anything more eh
  10. haha they gave us a lot of shit, because it reeked, and then i was like thats everything, and he was very uptight. w/e i only lost a little bit and replacing the steam roller shouldn't be too difficult i think. and i still have a little bud the cops didnt take so i'm ognna blaze now (gonna go outside though ;) in the fucking snow :( :D :smoking:). cya in a bit gc

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