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Got a usage question

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Lunach1ck, Apr 17, 2017.

  1. Is it acceptable to stay high all the time to deal with PTSD, Borderline personality disorder, schizo affective, crippling anxiety and major depression. Hadn't been taking my other meds and was treating it with weed, but the second my high left I was falling apart and shit, crying over things,think weed treats my hallucinations because I don't have any during being high. I'm still high now, just hope I'm making sense.
  2. #2 Joker1121, Apr 17, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2017
    You don't have to be high all the time to be medicated. Try some of the high CBD strains which may help without the high. If you did this and it worked you could still get high whenever you wanted to by smoking or ingesting another strain. Making a tincture is also another way to medicate using microdosing. But, if you need to be high to cope I'll not be the person who tells you to stop, just that there are alternatives.
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  3. The first thing you should remember is that people on these boards are not doctors. And most of them suffer from some of the same things that you are probably going thru yourself. So you need to ask yourself. Would you take advice about your situation from someone dealing with the same? Don't mean to be harsh, just my 2¢.
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  4. Most doctors don't know a thing about marijuana so this is a perfect place to ask questions. The best way to learn is to hear it from people who have been there and done it. When they start teaching doctors about the endocannabinoid system, then perhaps we can start getting their help when it comes to cannabis.
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  5. The way I see it is how would you be feeling if you were on the pharmaceuticals to deal with your anxiety and depression? Do they make you feel foggy? Do they stop working so you need to up your dose? Are they hurting your body with side effects?

    When you treat yourself with cannabis, ask yourself those same questions. See which one is the lesser of the two evils. You do build up a tolerance with the "stoned" feeling you get. It's simply a side effect of the cannabis. Some people like it, some would rather not feel it. But if it means going back to crying and that feeling of crippling depression, I say go with what feels the best and is the safest for your body in the long run.
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  6. Unfortunately, that's years, and years away. They don't even teach that to current Medical Students. And that I have first hand knowledge of, have worked for a major teaching hospital in Massachusetts.
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  7. #7 WeedCat, Apr 18, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2017
    Exactly my point. Where else can folks get their information except to ask others who have gone through it to see what's worked for them? And sadly when the medical establishment finally adopts cannabis as a therapeutic option, they wont be able to work with the whole plant. It will be synthetic forms of cannabis only which to my knowledge doesn't work very well and doesn't kill cancerous tumors. It only works for pain and wasting disease, whereas the whole plant takes care of a myriad of health issues. And the synthetics make the patient feel edgy as hell since they are getting only the THC. There is no other compounds for that great "entourage" effect.
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  8. Yes you make sense. I am the same way. I just want to be high 24/7/365. The problem with that, is maybe some of your friends and family will not like you being high all the time. I say fuck em.
  9. I live with my partner in a studio, she doesn't like me smoking all the time.
  10. There are other alternatives to smoking. Tincture, the patch, edibles, and vaping. I can't imagine if your partner cared about you, they would want you on a toxic chemical. And if you do smoke, do it when they are not around, and do it outside. After a while, she/he may not recognize you as even being high.
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  11. oh no... you mean we are supposed to have a valid reason to stay high all the time?
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  12. And this is exactly what I'm talking about. 3 different people giving this person advise, who's advise do they take. Who's do they ignore. I'm not trying to bash anyone here. All's I'm getting at is people with serious medical issues, shouldn't be asking strangers for help on forums like this. You have no idea who's on the other end, who's giving the advice.
  13. I suffer from 3 or 4 of those mental probs u mentioned, cannabis is medicine... Having a good therapist to openly discuss your probs with is #1... Including them being in step/U using cannabis to treat your ailments... And no theres nothin wrong with be high and smokin all the time!! Pills are poison!! Just dont mix taking those meds with smokin or consuming cannabis...
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  14. Why dont you sit down and be quiet for a minute... U sound like your part of the establishment... Zip it ok...
  15. I agree!!
  16. I have none of these symptoms that I know of anyway and I stay high all day if that makes you feel any better.
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  17. True that but what's the alternative? Go to the doctor and have them look you in the eyes and tell you cannabis is not a safe alternative. We really don't have much of a choice but to ask and ask a lot. After awhile you can detect bullshit and who's trying to sell and who's really trying to help. If I had listen to my doctors, I would probably be dead by now. I am thankful for the info I receive here from folks willing to take the time to help. And I learn so much from people's personal stories like Cannabis Health Radio and the Marijuana Pot Guide.
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  18. I've tried different meds for depression, anxiety, ptsd, bi-polar, schizo affective, pain meds for the ptsd, adhd, suicidal & homicidal tendicies, all made worse by prescribed drugs or i put on 10-20 lbs that my heart couldnt handle then they wanted to put me on shit for my heart... !!! But i always come back to CANNABIS!! it also helped me kick drinkin & using other drugs!!
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  19. Then maybe you might want to help this fellow?
    Got a usage question
  20. My antipsychotic med made me gain weight like crazy, been considering going off them so my weight can get back down, but I also don't want to hallucinate as that's some scary shit. Weigh over 200 lbs now, used to weigh 150.

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