i got scratched by a pool table nail sticking out and it somehow turned into a wart. its been there for about 3 months, i froze it 8 times, i stabbed it, i even bit down on a towel and tried to saw it off. how do i get this stupid chick repellent off of my hand. oh yeah i even tried sand paper. ps trying to avoid a doctors visit
Make it yourself. There's a million DIY links on this site. I'm not even sure that would work but if not you can just get stoned instead
i looked something up it said sand the wart til it bleeds then surmerge your hand in a vinegar and water mixture for like 4 hours
If you froze it that mant times and its not working..I know you want to avoid the doctor but I don't see what you can do. If you keep messing with it, it will just get worse. If you rip it out you'll end up with a big nasty scar instead of a big nasty wart.
if the vinegar bath doesnt work that will be my next step. however im sufficating it in a mild acid bath right now.
Are you sure its a wart? After an injury it may be a keloid or hypertropic scar, which is just going to keep re forming. Keloid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Keloids: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
warts are actually Bigger Under your skin, they have roots, kinda like trees go to a dermatoligist- im on a old cp without spell check and i dont care how butchered that word is. SKIN DOCTOR^ i feel for you man, warts are shameful and gross. I had plenty on my hands, mostly my right. Tell him you used everything you can imagine to get this wart off, He will numb the spot, and use a little blade that cuts you like a cookiecutter, Cutting them out is most effective because they can get the roots, which are the life source for warts. PS your not weird if u have warts, they are as common as a cold, just some people cant fight them off. good luck, PM for any questions, ive had 5 removed. LIKE SAID BEFORE DONT GO TO YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR!!!! they will freeze that shit, hurts like fuck and leaves you with scars. Blades are much cleaner
that is plan C for me, plan A stab like 10 times with a sterile push pin and then submerge in vinegar which actually seems to be working, plan B is duct tape, plan C go to a dermatologist
Im telling you, i did everything under the sun and nothing worked until it was cut out. AND dont do that yourself.!